[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Final call for papers, the deadline for submission has been extended to 
April 11, 2007.


               Call for Papers

       RDP (RTA 07 + TLCA 07) Workshop PATE

      Proof Assistants and Types in Education

              June 25 2007


This workshop is supported by the EU Types Coordination Action.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together
researchers and lecturers interested in applying
type theory and proof assistants in teaching.

Contributions are solicited in the following subject areas
and related topics:

- type theory as a language for (teaching) mathematics and programming;
- computer assisted informal reasoning;
- tools and languages for teaching math and logic;
- experience in using proof assistants in class.

Submissions and Publication
Authors are invited to submit a paper (max 15 pages) by e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] by April 11, 2007. Preliminary proceedings will
be available at the workshop. Submissions should be in PostScript or
PDF format, using ENTCS style files.

Important Dates
   Submission deadline:  April 11, 2007
   Notification: May 15, 2007
   Pre-proceedings version due: June 7, 2007
   Workshop: June 25, 2007

Programme Committee
Pierre Courtieu CNAM Paris (Co-Chair)
Herman Geuvers Nijmegen (Co-Chair)
Hugo Herbelin INRIA Paris
Adam Naumowicz Bialystok
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen Bologna
Pawel Urzyczyn Warsaw

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