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Postdoctoral research fellowship on Foundations of Software Components-
INRIA Grenoble, France

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position to undertake research
into the foundations of software components.
The post is within the INRIA research center in Grenoble, France, under the
direction of Alan Schmitt, Jean-Bernard Stefani
(Sardes INRIA research team) and Joseph Sifakis (head of the INRIA-Schneider
research chair). The post will be part of a joint
project between INRIA Grenoble and the Verimag CNRS laboratory whicb seeks
to estbalish a firm mathematical basis for the
component-based construction of provably correct and dependable embedded,
multicore, and distributed software systems.
Of particular interest are formal semantical models allowing for multiple
forms of component
composition, allowing the combination of different non-functional aspects
such as temporal or quality of service constraints, and
allowing for adaptive systems, which may change their configuration at
run-time, as well as architecture definition and
programming languages that support component-based construction.

Applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science. Expertise in the following
areas are
particularly welcome:

- concurrency theory
- operational semantics
- verification techniques
- type theory
- program logics

The fellowship is offered for a period of up to 18 months and can start as
early as October 2009.
Further particulars of the post may be obtained from the persons below, and
informal enquiries are welcomed.

Applications should include
- detailed curriculum vitae, in pdf format
- copies of relevant publications, or url-pointers to them
- the names of at least 2 referees
- a statement outlining  the applicant's suitability to the project.

Applications should be sent to:

Jean-Bernard Stefani
INRIA Grenoble-Rhone-Alpes
655 Avenue de l'Europe - Montbonnot
38334 St Ismier Cedex - FRANCE
tel: +33 4 76 61 52 57
fax: +33 4 76 61 52 52
email: jean-bernard.stef...@inria.fr


Joseph Sifakis
Verimag Laboratory
Centre Equation
2 ave de Vignate
tel: +33 (0)
fax: +33 (0) 46
email: joseph.sifa...@imag.fr

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