[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

[Applications from researchers and students interested in topics related to 
logics, type-theory, and semantics are encouraged]

(Apologies for multiple posting)  
The institute for advanced studies IMT Lucca (Italy) announces new openings in 
computer science and engineering: 
12 PhD positions, deadline December 17 5  assistant professor positions, 
deadline November 15 
IMT (http://www.imtlucca.it/) is a research institute located in Lucca (Italy). 
It aims at pushing the frontiers of knowledge and at contributing to the 
formation of international professional elites for business and institutions. 
Ph.D. programs are taught exclusively in English. The PhD Program in Computer 
Science and Engineering (coordinated by Ugo Montanari) aims at preparing 
researchers and professionals with broad training in the foundations of 
informatics as well as in applications to a variety of cutting-edge systems and 
  Within IMT there is a research area on Computer Science and Applications that 
currently includes senior visiting professors (Rocco De Nicola, Luciano 
Lenzini, Ugo Montanari) and a number of young assistant professors. Many 
scientists from Italy and abroad visit for advanced
seminars and research collaborations. The research area is closely connected 
with the doctoral program. 
Below additional information is provided, full details can be obtained from 

We hope that you may consider applying for and/or signaling these  
opportunities to colleagues and collaborators. Also, if you are interested in 
short visit please inform on of us.
5 Assistant Professor Positions 
Research topics: 
        * Global Computing
        * Networking Systems Engineering
        * Computer Science Applications to Cultural Heritage Sites
        * Complex Data and Image Analysis
        * Industrial Energy Efficiency

The remuneration package is competitive at an international level and includes 
generous research funds. The duration of the contract is of 3 years, renewable 
for additional 3 years. Specific terms of appointment are negotiated 
Deadline for application is Nov 15, 2010. Short visits in Lucca are possible, 
and welcomed. 

12 PhD Positions in Computer Science and Engineering Research topics: 
architectures and languages for global and grid computing, web systems and 
services, in particular for business applications, embedded systems, web data 
mining, wired and wireless networks, mobile systems. 
6 scholarships (about ± 13.638 EUR gross yearly) plus accommodation and full 
6 positions to be funded with internal projects or third-party scholarships all 
those come with a research budget of 3.000 EUR and free meals (lunch and 
Program Board: Marco Ajmone Marsan, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco De Nicola, Carlo 
Ghezzi, Luciano Lenzini, Ugo Montanari (coordinator), Antonio Prete. 
Deadline for application is December 17, 2010. 

-- Marzia Buscemi, PhD 
IMT Lucca Istitute for Advanced Studies Piazza San Ponziano 6,  I-55100 Lucca 
Ph.: +39 0583 4326723 Fax: +39 0583 4326565 E-mail: m.busc...@imtlucca.it

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