[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear colleagues,

We're putting together an informal workshop on data, types, and languages, at 
MSR Cambridge in May.

RADICAL: Relations and Data Integrity Constraints and Languages

As of mid-March, we are delighted and excited to have gathered a fairly full 
programme of 30 minute talks, and we have only a few slots left. We aim to have 
a late-afternoon session of lightning announcements of recent work, position 
statements, or provocations, so we hope to fit in everyone who wants to speak, 
on a relevant topic, either as a 30 minute or lightning talk.

If you'd like to speak at or attend the workshop, please mail me as soon as 
possible, please, and no later than one week's time, April 1. Please include 
title and short abstract.

Regards, Andy

(on behalf of the other organisers David Langworthy, Microsoft SQL Server, and 
Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh)

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