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Call for Participation: FIT 2009 summer school

Novi Sad, Serbia

14-27 June, 2009.



We are pleased to announce The Summer School on Foundations of 
Information Technologies, FIT 2009,
which will be held in Novi Sad, in Serbia, between June 14 and June 27, 
2009. It will offer a number of
PhD courses for all the students, from Serbia and abroad, interested in 
this field. In addition to the lectures on
selected topics related to the theory and applications of Information 
technologies, students will have an opportunity
to work in small teams on specific scientific assignments.
The organizers of FIT 2009 are Faculty of Technical Sciences 
<http://www.ftn.ns.ac.yu/>, University of Novi Sad 
<http://www.uns.ac.rs/en/> and Mathematical Institute
of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts <http://www.mi.sanu.ac.yu/>, 
Belgrade. The FIT Summer School is supported by the TEMPUS
Programme through the Project "Doctoral School towards European 
Knowledge Society - DEUKS <http://cms.ns.ac.yu/deuks/>". The lecturers
are professors from the partner institutions in the DEUKS Project: 
Universita degli Studi di Udine <http://www.uniud.it>
<http://www.uniud.it>(Italy), Universidad Politecnica de Valencia 
<http://www.upv.es> <http://www.upv.es> (Spain) and INRIA Sophia 
Antipolis <http://www-sop.inria.fr> (France).

The FIT summer school will offer 6 courses, divided into 3 modules:

Module 1:
1. Gian Luca Foresti:* *Artificial Vision.
2. Roberto Ranon: Interactive 3D Graphics.
Module 2:
1. Furio Honsell, Pietro* *Di Gianantonio*:/ /*Semantics of Programming 
2. Salvador Lucas: Introduction to Term Rewriting: Techniques and 
Module 3:
1. Marina Lenisa,Ivan Scagnetto:/ /Concurrent and global computing.
2. Luigi Liquori:/ /Overlay and P2P networks.

Guest lecturers will be Prof. Pierre Lescanne, Ecole normale superieure 
de Lyon, France;
Prof. Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Universita di Torino, Italy and 
Prof. Pawel Urzyczyn, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Each of the 6 listed summer school courses will consist of

· 6 hours of lecture,

· 6 hours of individual research and

· final presentations of the results of the Students' Presentation Session.


In order to apply, students should send an e-mail to 
fit2...@imft.ftn.ns.ac.yu <mailto:fit2...@imft.ftn.ns.ac.yu> 
<mailto:fit2...@imft.ftn.ns.ac.yu> providing their name,
address, institution and level of studies. A recommendation letter 
written and signed by student’s
scientific supervisor is required. It can be sent by e-mail.

There is no fee for the lectures. Costs of accommodation and meals are 
to be covered by participants.
A limited number of rooms in a student dormitory will be available - 
price up to 10 euro per night.
Meals in a student restaurant can be organized upon request. Please 
contact the organizers.

    Scientific Committee:

    Marina Lenisa, Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy (/co-chair/);

    Luigi Liquori, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France ;

    Salvador Lucas, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain;

    Silvia Ghilezan, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (/co-chair/);

    Jovanka Pantovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia;

    Mila Stojakovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia;

    Natasa Sladoje, University of Novi Sad, Serbia;

    Zoran Ognjanovic, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia;

    Zoran Markovic, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia;

    Miodrag Mihaljevic, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia.

    Organizing Committee:

    Ilija Kovacevic, University of Novi Sad;

    Tatjana Davidovic, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade;

    Jelena Ivetic, University of Novi Sad;

    Svetlana Jaksic, University of Novi Sad;

    Tibor Lukic, University of Novi Sad;

    Vladimir Curic, University of Novi Sad;

    Bojan Marinkovic, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade;

    Petar Maksimovic, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade;

    Stefana Janicijevic, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade.

    Please visit the FIT website
    <http://cms.uns.ac.rs/fit2009/index_new.htm> or contact Jelena
    Ivetic: fit2...@imft.ftn.ns.ac.yu <mailto:fit2...@imft.ftn.ns.ac.yu>
    for all additional information.

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