[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen
(DIKU, http://www.diku.dk) has openings for up to 3 full professor
positions in programming languages and systems (1 or 2 appointments),
respectively software development (1 appointment), starting May 2010.

For detailed information, including application procedures, please see
the full position announcements:

Professor in programming languages and systems:

Professor in software development:

Please note that the software development position is open to
outstanding candidates with a technically-oriented research record and
ambitions to bridge to user-oriented aspects.

Enquiries about the positions can be made to department head Martin
Zachariasen---see the announcements for contact information.

Deadline for application: December 17th, 2009, 12 noon (CET).

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