[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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Dear all,

        I would like to report to the list that, following a revamping of its
Editorial Board, "The Computer Journal" <http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org 
welcomes the submission of full papers and the proposal of special
issues on types programming languages and cognate areas.

Regards to all,

Information concerning The Computer Journal in 2008

The 52 year "old" The Computer Journal (TCJ) is published by ITEXT, a
joint company run by Oxford University Press and the British Computer
Society, and its contents are managed by an editor-in-chief and an
editorial board which were renewed at the end of 2007 and in early
2008. During 2008 it published as many issues as in 2007, i.e. six, but
an expansion of TCJ to 8 issues a year is planned for 2009 in view of
results of 2008, with two sub-series: Computer Science, and Computer
Systems and Networks.

The submission of papers to the journal has increased by roughly 50%
in 2008 over 2007, reaching approximately 300 papers, and the
acceptance rate is approximately 25%. The turn-around time is quite
reasonable because  (a) the authors receive a response after a first
round of evaluation and refereeing (which largely determines the
outcome of a paper) within 85 days on average, and (b) once a paper
is definitely accepted, it is posted on the web for downloading. Note
in 2008 roughly 7% of all papers were submitted by authors based in the
UK, with the rest coming from all the continents, so that TCJ is truly
international journal with appeal across the world.

Worldwide subscriptions to the journal in 2008 have slightly increased,
resulting in a 10% increase in income to ITEXT. We estimate that,
including the bundled subscriptions to academic and other libraries, the
journal has roughly 6000 subscribers.

Most importantly, the number of full paper downloads in 2008 has
increased in excess of 20%, over 2007, totalling slightly under 50,000
downloads, which is a very impressive number for the 60 papers that we
publish per year, or an annual rate of roughly 800 downloads per paper
on average. This should reassure colleagues who may think that archival
journals are just "write-only" media!

forwarded for Erol Gelenbe, Editor in Chief
The Computer Journal

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