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Assistant professor (UD) in the Algebra & Logica group

The Algebra&Logic group of IMAPP at Radboud University
seeks a tenure-track assistant professor with preference for
applicants working in the area between algebra, logic, and computer
science. We seek candidates with international experience that have a
demonstrable commitment to excellence in both research and teaching.
The candidate should be motivated to contribute independently and through
collaboration to the research and growth of the group. This includes
contributing to the supervision of Master and PhD students and securing
of funding for PhD positions through grant applications. The candidate
must be a good communicator with experience in as well as enthusiasm
for teaching that can contribute across the undergraduate mathematics
curriculum as well as at the graduate level in algebra and especially in
logic and in the joint research master with computer science.
The candidate is expected to contribute the usual share in the management
of the group and institute. The accepted candidate is required to master
the Dutch language sufficiently to be able to teach in Dutch within
two years after the appointment.

Radboud University Nijmegen is situated in the oldest city in the
Netherlands. It has nine faculties and enrols over 17,500 students in
107 study programmes. The Faculty of Science at Radboud University
consists of seven research institutes, including the Institute for
Mathematics, Astrophysics, and Particle Physics (IMAPP), and the
Institute for Computing and Information Science (ICIS).  Research in
non-classical logic and its interaction with applications in computer
science is strongly represented locally and nationally. The group has
close ties with the ICIS research groups in Foundations and in Security
of Systems. At the national level the group collaborates with algebraists
and logicians, notably in Leiden, Utrecht, at ILLC in Amsterdam, and at 

The salary of an assistant professor varies from a minimum of 3.195,-- 
bruto per month to a maximum of 4.970,-- bruto per month, depending on
relevant work experience. (scale 11/12).

Female applicants are particularly encouraged to apply.

In order to apply please send an application, with reference to vacancy
number 18. DE including a full CV, information on research plans and
teaching experience, and names and addresses of three references either
by e-mail to p...@science.ru.nl
or by post to:

FNWI Personeel en Organisatie
attn. mevr. Marielle Nelemans
Postbus 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Review of applications will begin May 1, 2009. For further information,
see http://www.math.ru.nl/~mgehrke/Algebra&LogicUD.htm or contact Mai
Gehrke at mgeh...@math.ru.nl



Profile of Algebra&Logic Assistant Professor
at IMAPP at the Faculty of Science,
Radboud University Nijmegen

The Faculty of Science at Radboud University consists of seven research
institutes, including the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics, and
Particle Physics (IMAPP), and the Institute for Computing and Information
Science (ICIS). The Mathematics division of IMAPP consists of three
groups: Algebra&Logic, Mathematical Physics, and Stochastics. The research
of the Algebra&Logic group is focused in the two named areas with a
particular focus on interactions of algebra and logic with computer
science. Research in non-classical logic and its interaction with
applications in computer and information science is strongly represented
locally and nationally. The group has close ties with the ICIS research
groups in Foundations and in Security of Systems.  At the national level
the group collaborates with algebraists and logicians, notably in Leiden,
Utrecht, at ILLC in Amsterdam, and at CWI.

In teaching, the algebra and logic group is part of the Mathematics,
Physics, and Astronomy Teaching Institute (WiNSt) and as such it provides
high quality teaching of core and service courses in all branches of
undergraduate mathematics as well as advanced courses and a Master track
in Algebra and Logic. In addition, a new Radboud University Research
Master program in the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science is
being set up jointly with computer science. The faculty as a whole and the
mathematics department in particular are enthusiastically involved in
outreach and actively recruit students through programs with schools.

The Algebra&Logic group seeks a tenure track assistant professor with
preference for applicants working in the algebra-logic-computer science
triangle. We seek candidates with international experience that have a
demonstrable commitment to excellence in both research and teaching.
The candidate should be motivated to contribute independently and through
collaboration to the research and growth of the group. This includes
contributing to the supervision of Master and PhD students and securing
of funding for PhD positions through grant applications. The candidate
must be a good communicator with experience in as well as enthusiasm
for teaching that can contribute across the undergraduate mathematics
curriculum as well as at the graduate level in algebra and logic,
and particularly in the joint research master with computer science.
The candidate is expected to contribute the usual share in the management
of the group and institute. The accepted candidate is required to master
the Dutch language sufficiently to be able to teach in Dutch within
two years after the appointment.

Female applicants are particularly encouraged to apply.

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