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                             Call for Poster Submissions
            5th Annual Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HoTSoS)
                             April 10-11, 2018, Raleigh, North Carolina

Poster submissions are solicited for the 5th Annual Hot Topics in the
Science of Security (HoTSoS) Symposium, which will be held April 10-11,
2018 at the StateView Hotel in Raleigh, North Carolina on the Centennial
Campus of North Carolina State University. The symposium will include a mix
of invited talks, refereed papers, panels, tutorials, and posters. As in
prior years, papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be
published by ACM Press.

>>> Scope, Goals, and Vision <<<

HoTSoS draws together researchers, practitioners, and thought leaders from
government, industry, and academia. The conference provides a forum for
dialogue centered upon the development and advancement of scientific
foundations in cybersecurity. The technical emphasis of HoTSoS is on
scientific methods, data gathering and analysis, experimental approaches,
mathematical models, and the interactions among those approaches to build a
foundational science of security. The HoTSoS vision is one of engaging and
growing a community—including researchers and skilled practitioners from
diverse disciplines—that is focused around the advancement of scientific

>>> Topics of Interest <<<

We invite submissions on any topic related to science of security that
aligns with the conference scope and goals listed above. The 2018 HoTSoS
will highlight the following themes:

*. Scalability and composability in the construction of secure systems,

*. Policy-governed collaboration for handling data across different domains
of authority while ensuring security and privacy,

*. Security metrics to guide choice-making in security engineering and

*. Resilient architectures that can deliver service despite compromised

*. Analysis of human behavior, including modeling users, operators, and
adversaries, to support improved design and analysis,

*. Foundational research related to privacy that allows for the ability to
use (i.e., collect, store, and share) data in accordance with requirements,

*. Foundations for the security of cyber-physical systems, including
applications to the Internet of Things.

>>> Important Dates <<<

Poster Submissions: February 23, 2018

Conference: April 10-11, 2018

>>> Submission Requirements <<<

Poster submission deadline. Submissions of posters must be made by the
deadline of Friday February 23, 2018 (anywhere on Earth) through

*** Posters. If you are interested in participating in the poster session,
please upload a submission of your poster abstract to. Each abstract
submission should be at most 1 page following the double-column ACM format (
http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) including the

Simultaneity. Submissions must not have been published previously, and may
not be submitted in parallel to any other journal or conference/workshop
with published proceedings. The program chairs reserve the right to consult
confidentially with other chairs and responsible parties if a double
submission is suspected.

HotSoS 2018
General Co-Chairs: Munindar Singh (NCSU), Laurie Williams (NCSU)
Program Co-Chairs: Rick Khun (NIST), Tao XIe (UIUC)
Organization Committee: https://cps-vo.org/group/hotsos/organization
Program Committee: https://cps-vo.org/group/hotsos/program-committee

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