[TYPES/announce] Call for papers : HOR 18 - 9th Workshop on Higher Order Rewriting, Oxford, 7 July, 2018

2018-04-10 Thread Stefano Guerrini
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

**HOR 18
**9th Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting
**International Workshop affiliated with FSCD at FLOC 2018
**Oxford, 7 July, 2018
****  With a special session in honour of Kris Rose  **
**Call for Submissions 

* Overview

HOR is a forum to present work concerning all aspects of higher-order

HOR aims to provide an informal and friendly setting to discuss recent
work and work in progress concerning higher-order rewriting, broadly
construed. This includes rewriting systems that have functional
variables or bound variables, the lambda-calculus and combinatory
logic being paradigmatic examples.

* Topics

The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics for the workshop:

  - Applications: proof checking, theorem proving, generic
programming, declarative programming, program transformation.

  - Foundations: pattern matching, unification, strategies, narrowing,
termination, syntactic properties, type theory.

  - Frameworks: term rewriting, conditional rewriting, graph
rewriting, net rewriting, comparisons of different frameworks.

  - Implementation: graphs, nets, abstract machines, explicit
substitution, rewriting tools, compilation techniques.

  - Semantics: operational semantics, denotational semantics,
separability, higher-order abstract syntax.

** Special session in honour of Kris Rose

Kristopher H. (Kris) Rose has been an active member of the HOR
community.  He contributed to almost all the editions of HOR and he
served as PC chair of the 7th edition (Vienna 2014).

The next one will be the first edition without Kris, and a special
session will be dedicated to honour him: to thank him for his
continuous support to HOR and to acknowledge his key role in the
development of explicit substitutions.

If you would like to give a short address in his memory or your
submission his related to Kris work, please contact the PC chair
  Stefano Guerrini  (mailto:stefano.guerr...@univ-paris13.fr)

** Submission Guidelines

To give a presentation at the workshop, submit an extended abstract
(between 2 to 5 pages} via Easychair


HOR is a platform for discussing open questions, ongoing research, and
new perspectives, as well as new results. Extended abstracts
describing work in progress, preliminary results, research projects, or
problems in higher-order rewriting are very welcome.

The workshop has informal, electronic proceedings that will be
included in the FLoC 2018 electronic proceedings.

Submission is via Easychair at


For questions regarding submission, please contact the PC chair
  Stefano Guerrini  (mailto:stefano.guerr...@univ-paris13.fr)

** Important dates

 * Submission deadline: 15 April, 2017
 * Notification: 22 May, 2017
 * Final version: 28 May, 2017

** Committees

** Program Committee

 * Sandra Alves(University of Porto, Portugal)
 * Zena Ariola(University of Oregon, Oregon, USA)
 * Eduardo Bonelli(Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA)
 * Jörg Endrullis(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
 * Stefano Guerrini, chair(Paris 13 University, France)
 * Benedetto Intrigila(Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy)
 * Paula Severi(University of Leicester, UK)
 * Femke Van Raamsdonk(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

** Steering Committee

 * Delia Kesner(IRIF, Univ. Paris Diderot)
 * Femke Van Raamsdonk(Vrije U

[TYPES/announce] Call for papers : HOR 18 - 9th Workshop on Higher Order Rewriting, Oxford, 7 July, 2018

2018-03-15 Thread Stefano Guerrini
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

**HOR 18
**9th Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting
**International Workshop affiliated with FSCD at FLOC 2018
**Oxford, 7 July, 2018
**Call for Submissions 

* Overview

HOR is a forum to present work concerning all aspects of higher-order

HOR aims to provide an informal and friendly setting to discuss recent
work and work in progress concerning higher-order rewriting, broadly
construed. This includes rewriting systems that have functional
variables or bound variables, the lambda-calculus and combinatory
logic being paradigmatic examples.

* Topics

The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics for the workshop:

  - Applications: proof checking, theorem proving, generic
programming, declarative programming, program transformation.

  - Foundations: pattern matching, unification, strategies, narrowing,
termination, syntactic properties, type theory.

  - Frameworks: term rewriting, conditional rewriting, graph
rewriting, net rewriting, comparisons of different frameworks.

  - Implementation: graphs, nets, abstract machines, explicit
substitution, rewriting tools, compilation techniques.

  - Semantics: operational semantics, denotational semantics,
separability, higher-order abstract syntax.

** Submission Guidelines

To give a presentation at the workshop, submit an extended asbtract
(between 2 to 5 pages} via Easychair


HOR is a platform for discussing open questions, ongoing research, and
new perspectives, as well as new results. Extended abstracts
describing work in progress, preliminary results, reserch projects, or
problems in higher-order rewriting are very welcome.

The workshop has informal, electronic proceedings that will be
included in the FLoC 2018 electronic proceedings.

Submission is via Easychair at


For questions regarding submission, please contact the PC chair
  Stefano Guerrini  (mailto:stefano.guerr...@univ-paris13.fr)

** Important dates

 * Submission deadline: 15 April, 2017
 * Notification: 22 May, 2017
 * Final version: 28 May, 2017

** Committees

** Program Committee

 * Sandra Alves(University of Porto, Portugal)
 * Zena Ariola(University of Oregon, Oregon, USA)
 * Eduardo Bonelli(Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA)
 * Jörg Endrullis(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
 * Stefano Guerrini, chair(Paris 13 University, France)
 * Benedetto Intrigila(Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy)
 * Paula Severi(University of Leicester, UK)
 * Femke Van Raamsdonk(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

** Steering Committee

 * Delia Kesner(IRIF, Univ. Paris Diderot)
 * Femke Van Raamsdonk(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

** Invited Speakers

 * TBA
 * TBA

** Contact

All questions about submissions should be emailed to
Stefano Guerrini (mailto:stefano.guerr...@univ-paris13.fr)

** Supporting Organisations

Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité


Stefano Guerrini
Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord (LIPN), CN