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                     2ND CALL FOR PAPERS

   The 19th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT'07)
               Oslo, Norway, 10-12 October, 2007          

The NWPT series of annual workshops is a forum bringing together
programming theorists from the Nordic and Baltic countries (but also
elsewhere). The previous workshops were held in Uppsala (1989, 1999
and 2004), Aalborg (1990), Gothenburg (1991 and 1995), Bergen (1992
and 2000), Turku (1993, 1998, and 2003), Aarhus (1994), Oslo (1996),
Tallinn (1997 and 2002), Lyngby (2001), Copenhagen (2005), and
Reykjavik (2006). This year it will be held in Oslo.


 3 September: Submission of abstracts
15 September: Notification of acceptance
25 September: Registration CLOSES
10-12 October: WORKSHOP 


Typical topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):

    * Semantics of programs
    * Programming logics
    * Program verification
    * Formal specification of programs
    * Program synthesis
    * Program transformation and program refinement
    * Real-Time and hybrid systems
    * Modeling of concurrency
    * Programming methods
    * Tools for program construction and verification


- Gilles Barthe (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France), 
- Davide Sangiorgi (University of Bologna, Italy),
- Neelam Soundarajan (Ohio State Univeristy, USA).


Authors wishing to give a talk at the workshop are requested to submit
an abstract of 1-3 pages (ps or pdf, printable on A4 paper) to


by the 3rd September 2007. Submission of work submitted for formal
publication elsewhere and work in progress is permitted.

The abstracts of the accepted contributions will be available at the
workshop.  After the workshop, selected papers will be published in a
special issue of the Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (JLAP,


* Luca Aceto, Reykjavík Univ., Iceland, and Aalborg Univ., Denmark
* Michael R. Hansen, Techn. U. of Denmark, Denmark
* Anna Ingolfsdottir, Reykjavík Univ., Iceland, and Aalborg Univ., Denmark
* Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway
* Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg Univ., Denmark
* Bengt Nordström, Univ. of Gothenburg, Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Sweden
* Olaf Owe, University of Oslo, Norway
* Gerardo Schneider, University of Oslo, Norway
* Tarmo Uustalu, Inst. of Cybernetics, Estonia
* Jüri Vain, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
* Marina Waldén, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
* Uwe E. Wolter, University of Bergen, Norway
* Wang Yi, Uppsala University, Sweden


Einar Broch Johnsen, Olaf Owe, and Gerardo Schneider.

EMAIL: nwpt-07(at)ifi.uio.no 

Co-located Events

    * The 1st Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of
    Contract-Oriented Software (FLACOS'07): Oct. 9-10
    * Nordic Workshop on Dependability:     Oct. 8-10

More (and more current) information is available at


A short history of the  workshop is available at


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