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                          CALL FOR PAPERS ESOP '09
                    18th European Symposium on Programming
                ETAPS, 22-29 March 2009, York, United Kingdom

ESOP is an annual conference devoted to fundamental issues in the specification,
design, analysis, and implementation of programming languages and systems. ESOP
2009 is the eighteenth edition in this series and seeks contributions on all
aspects of programming language research including, but not limited to, the
following areas:

- Programming paradigms and styles:  functional programming, aspect-oriented
   programming, object-oriented programming, logic programming, constraint
   programming, extensible programming languages, domain-specific languages,
   biologically-inspired languages, synchronous and real-time programming

- Methods and tools to write, reason about, and specify languages and programs:
   module systems, programming techniques, meta programming, type systems,
   logical foundations, denotational semantics, operational semantics,  program
   verification, static analysis, testing, language-based security.

- Methods and tools for implementation: rewriting systems, program
   transformations, partial evaluation, experimental evaluations,
   virtual machines,  intermediate languages, run-time environments.

- Concurrency and distribution: parallel programming, process algebras,
   concurrency theory, service-oriented computing, distributed and mobile


REBUTTAL PHASE: Authors will be given a 60-hours period (from Saturday
22 November 11:00 Apia time to Monday 24 November 23:00 Apia time) to
read and respond to the reviews of their papers before the PC
meeting. Rebuttals will be at most 500 words long.


Papers must be written in English, unpublished and not submitted for
publication elsewhere. The proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Final papers will be in the format
specified by Springer at the URL: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html 

Submissions must be in PDF format, formatted in the LNCS style and be at most
15 pages long. Additional material, that is not to be included in the
final version, but may help assessing the merits of the submission,
must be placed in a separate PDF file and submitted as an attachment:
referees will decide whether to use it or not. Submissions that do not
adhere to these guidelines will be rejected immediately.


   * Thursday 2 October 2008, 23:00 Apia time: Abstract submission
   * Thursday 9 October 2008, 23:00 Apia time: Paper submission
   * Saturday 22 November 2008, 11:00 Apia time: Start of Author Response Period
   * Friday 12 December 2008: Author notification
   * Sunday  4 January 2009: Camera-ready paper versions due
   * 22-29 March 2009: ETAPS

Submission deadlines are strict (site will close at 23:00 Apia time, that is
at noon on Friday in Paris). Submission of an abstract implies no obligation
to submit a full version; abstracts with no corresponding full versions by the
full paper deadline will be considered as withdrawn.


Chair: Giuseppe Castagna, CNRS, Université Paris Diderot (France)

   * Martín Abadi, UCSC and Microsoft Research (USA)
   * Torben Amtoft, Kansas State University (USA)
   * John Boyland, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA)
   * Michele Bugliesi, Università "Ca' Fóscari" di Venezia (Italy)
   * Silvano Dal Zilio, CNRS-LAAS (France)
   * Vincent Danos, University of Edinburgh (UK)
   * Mariangiola Dezani, Università di Torino (Italy)
   * Maribel Fernández, King's College London (UK)
   * Tim Harris, Microsoft Research, Cambridge (UK)
   * Martin Hofmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
   * Joxan Jaffar, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
   * Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt (France)
   * Eugenio Moggi, Università di Genova (Italy)
   * Greg Morrisett, Harvard University (USA)
   * George Necula, Rinera Networks, Inc., and UC Berkeley (USA)
   * James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
   * Kostis Sagonas, National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
   * Peter Sestoft, IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
   * Peter Sewell, University of Cambridge (UK)
   * Jean-Pierre Talpin, INRIA Rennes-Bretagne-Atlantique (France)
   * Peter Thiemann, Unversität Freiburg (Germany)
   * Jan Vitek, Purdue University (USA)
   * Kwangkeun Yi, Seoul National University (Korea)
   * Gianluigi Zavattaro, Università degli Studi di Bologna (Italy)

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