[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS FOR FoSSaCS 2008 --------------------------------------

Eleventh International Conference on

A member conference of the European Joint Conferences
on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2008)
(March 29 - April 6, 2008, Budapest, Hungary)

DATES FOR SUBMISSION VIA http://fossacs08.pps.jussieu.fr/
# Friday 5 October, 2007, Strict deadline for submission of abstracts.
# Friday 12 October, 2007, Strict deadline for submission of full versions.

TOPICS The specific topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to, the following:
    * Algebraic models,
    * Automata and language theory,
    * Behavioural equivalences,
    * Categorical models,
    * Computation processes over discrete and continuous data,
    * Infinite state systems,
    * Computation structures,
    * Logics of programs,
    * Modal, spatial, and temporal logics,
    * Models of concurrent, reactive, distributed, and mobile systems,
    * Process algebras and calculi,
    * Semantics of programming languages,
    * Software specification and refinement,
    * Type systems and type theory.
    * Fundamentals of security
    * Semi-structured data
    * Program correctness and verification

      Luca Aceto, Reijkjavik
      Roberto Amadio (chair), Paris
      Lars Birkedal, Copenhagen
      Roberto Bruni, Pisa
      Hubert Comon, Cachan
      Thierry Coquand, Göteborg
      Zoltan Esik, Szeged
      Dan Ghica, Birmingham
      Juergen Giesl, Aachen
      Martin Hofmann, Munich
      Radha Jagadeesan, Chicago
      Petr Jancar, Ostrava
      Leonid Libkin, Edinburgh
      Dale Miller, Palaiseau
      Eugenio Moggi, Genova
      Anca Muscholl, Bordeaux
      Vincent van Oostrom, Utrecht
      Prakash Panangaden, Montreal
      Jean-Francois Raskin, Bruxelles
      David Sands, Göteborg
      Colin Stirling, Edinburgh
      Pawel Urzyczyn, Warszawa
      Nobuko Yoshida, London
      Thomas Wilke, Kiel

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