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Submissions are now open for FAST 2008.


5th International Workshop on Formal Aspects in
       Security & Trust (FAST2008)
  October 9-10 2008 Malaga, Spain

  FAST2006 is a satellite event of 14th
    Formal Methods Symposium (FM2008).

FAST is under the auspices of IFIP WG 1.7


The fifth International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and
Trust (FAST2008) aims at continuing the successful efforts of the
previous FAST workshops, fostering the cooperation among researchers
in the areas of security and trust.

As computing and network infrastructures become increasingly
pervasive, and as they carry increasing economic activity, society
needs well matched security and trust mechanisms.  These interactions
increasingly span several enterprises and involve loosely structured
communities of individuals.  Participants in these activities must
control interactions with their partners based on trust policies and
business logic.  Trust-based decisions effectively determine the
security goals for shared information and for access to sensitive or
valuable resources.

FAST focuses on the formal models of security and trust that are
needed to state goals and policies for these interactions.  We also
seek new and innovative techniques for establishing consequences of
these formal models.  Implementation approaches for such techniques
are also welcome.  

Suggested submission topics include, but are not limited to:

Formal models for security, trust and reputation
Security protocol design and analysis
Logics for security and trust
Trust-based reasoning
Distributed trust management systems
Digital asset protection
Data protection
Privacy and ID management issues
Information flow analysis
Language-based security
Security and trust aspects in ubiquitous computing
Validation/Analysis tools
Web/Grid services security/trust/privacy
Security and risk assessment
Resource and access control
Case studies

Paper Submission: 25 June 2008 
Author Notification:  4 August 2008
Pre-proceedings version: 10 September 2008
Workshop: 09-10  October 2008
Post-proceedings version: 30 October 2008

. Pierpaolo Degano, University of Pisa, Italy
. Joshua Guttman, MITRE, USA
. Fabio Martinelli, IIT-CNR, Italy

Program Committee

·Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software, Spain
·Fre'de'ric Cuppens, ENST Bretagne, France
·Roberto Gorrieri, University of Bologna, Italy
·Masami Hagiya, University of Tokyo, Japan
·Chris Hankin, Imperial College (London), UK
·Christian Jensen, DTU, Denmark
·Audun Josang, DSTC, Australia
·Yuecel Karabulut, SAP, Germany
·Igor Kotenko, SPIIRAS, Russia
·Ninghui Li, Purdue University, USA 
·Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain
·Steve Marsh, NRC, Canada
·Catherine Meadows, Naval Research Lab, USA
·Ron van der Meyden, University of New South Wales, Australia 
·Mogens Nielsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
·Flemming Nielson, Danish Technical University, Denmark
·Indrajit Ray, Colorado State University, USA
·Peter Ryan, University of Newcastle, UK
·Steve Schneider, University of Surrey, UK
·Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva, Switzerland
·Vitaly Shmatikov, University of Texas at Austin, USA
·Ketil Stolen, SINTEF, Norway
·William H. Winsborough, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

As for the previous editions, the post-proceedings of the
workshop will be published with LNCS and a special journal 
issue is also planned.


We seek papers presenting original contributions. Two formats of
submissions are possible:

(1) short papers, up to 5 pages, 
(2) full papers, up to 15 pages.

Submissions should clearly state their category (1 or 2). Author's
full name, address, and e-mail must appear in the first page.

Accepted full papers will be published in the formal post-proceedings.
Short papers as well as full papers will be published in the informal
proceedings distributed at the workshop. After the workshop, authors
of short papers which are judged mature enough for publication will be
invited to submit full papers. These will be reviewed according to the
usual refereeing procedures, and accepted papers will be published in
the post-proceedings in LNCS (together with the accepted full

Simultaneous submission of full papers to a journal or
conference/workshop with formal proceedings justifies rejection.
Short papers at FAST are not formally published, so this restriction
does not apply to them.  However, related publications and overlapping
submissions must be cited explicitly in short papers.

        Joshua D. Guttman 
        The MITRE Corporation

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