[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

A full professor position should be available at Université de Paris 13,
from September 1, 2009.

The new professor will be a member of the LCR team (Logique,
Calcul et Raisonnement, http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/LCR/?lang=uk) of the
LIPN lab. He/she is expected to do his/her research in logic and computer
science. The main areas developed in the team are:
linear logic (proof nets, denotational semantics, ...), lambda-calculus, type
systems, implicit computational complexity, and other topics in relation with
programming languages.

The LIPN lab is a UMR (joint CNRS-University research unit) at Université de
Paris 13 (http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr).
It develops research in fundamental computer science and information
management. The laboratory is structured into four teams, which gather
approximately a hundred persons, 57 of which are permanent researchers from the
university or CNRS (either full-time researchers or professors).

The teaching assignments are in computer science or mathematics for computer

To apply for this position, it is necessary to

- speak french fluently, and

- have been accepted on the eligibility campaign (liste de qualification, see
the campaign should be between september and mid-october).

The application process itself is likely to start around February 2009 (and the
job will start on September 1st 2009)."

For further details please contact : C. Fouqueré, Director of LIPN

Christophe Fouqueré
directeur du LIPN
Université Paris 13
99 av JB Clément
93430 Villetaneuse
tél : 01 49 40 35 79

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