[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
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Call for Talks

Oxford, 7-8 July 2018 (FLoC-affiliated workshop)

2018 will mark the 25th anniversary of the work on fully abstract game
semantics for PCF, which has recently been acknowledged by the Alonzo
Church award. This work led on to a very active and flourishing field
of game semantics for programming languages and type theories.

This aim of this GaLoP-sponsored workshop is to provide an opportunity
for reflection and elaboration of different perspectives on the field.
In addition to invited talks, the workshop will feature a number of
contributed presentations. We particularly invite talk proposals on
the following topics:

* Foundations of game semantics
* Algorithmic aspects of game semantics
* Applications of game semantics to programming languages
* Novel applications of game semantics
* Perspectives on game semantics: relation to other models of computation


Please submit an abstract (up to one page, excluding bibliography) of your
proposed talk on the EasyChair submission page below. Supplementary material
may be submitted, and will be considered at the discretion of  the PC.



Submission: 30 April 2018
Notification: 15 May 2018
Workshop: 7-8 July 2018


Samson Abramsky
Andrzej Murawski
Luke Ong

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