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   *                                                       *
   *   PhD Position in Logic at ENS Lyon (MALOA project)   *
   *                                                       *
   *                                                       *
   *       October 1st, 2010 -- September 30th, 2013       *
   *                                                       *

MALOA (From MAthematical LOgic to Applications) is a European
Initial Training Network:


Amongst the proposed PhD positions, one will be open in the
Plume team of the computer science laboratory of the ENS Lyon


The main research topics of the team are:
  * Proof theory and computer science
  * Curry-Howard correspondence
  * Programming languages semantics
  * Linear logic, game semantics, realisability
  * Implicit computational complexity
  * Concurrency theory
  * Computer assisted reasoning

Applications are now open. Submissions including :
  * a detailed curriculum vitae
  * a list of topics of interest
  * the names and e-mail addresses of two references
should be sent by e-mail to "olivier.laur...@ens-lyon.fr" by
April 30th, 2010.

Before applying, please check you satisfy the eligibility

Important dates:
   * applications:  April 30th,  2010
   * starting date: October 1st, 2010

Do not hesitate to contact us if you want some additional

e-mail : olivier.laur...@ens-lyon.fr
www    : http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/olivier.laurent/

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