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MEMOCODE 2011 Call for Papers

The ninth ACM-IEEE* International Conference on Formal Methods and
Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE 2011) will be held on July 11-13, 2011
in Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK.




Abstract submission deadline: February 25, 2011
Paper submission deadline:    March 4, 2011
Notification of acceptance:   April 29, 2011
Final Version for Papers:     May 13, 2011
Poster submission deadline:   May 13, 2011
Notification for Posters:     May 27, 2011


The ninth MEMOCODE conference will attract researchers and
practitioners who create methods, tools, and architectures for the
design of hardware/software systems.  These systems face increasing
design complexity including tighter constraints on timing, power,
costs, and reliability. MEMOCODE seeks submissions that present novel
formal methods and design techniques addressing these issues to
create, refine, and verify hardware/software systems. We also invite
application-oriented papers, and especially encourage submissions that
highlight the design perspective of formal methods and models,
including success stories and demonstrations of hardware/software
codesign. Furthermore, we invite poster presentations describing
ongoing work with promising preliminary results.

Topics of interest for regular submissions include but are not limited
* system- and transaction-level modeling and verification, abstraction
  and refinement between different modeling levels, formal,
  semi-formal, and specification-driven verification,
* design and verification methods for composition of concurrent
  systems: multi-core platform architectures, systems-on-chip,
* formal methods and tools for hardware and software verification
  including theorem proving, decision procedures,
* non-traditional and domain-specific design languages for hardware
  and software, novel models of computation, and new design paradigms
  that unify hardware and software design,
* system-level estimation of performance and power in heterogeneous
  hardware/software architectures,
* applications and demonstrators of formal design methodologies and
  case studies of innovative system-level design flows,
* modeling and reuse of intellectual property at system-level, and
* design abstraction and high-level design demonstrating productivity
  and quality in generating and validating RTL and software.


Conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.


Submissions of research and experience papers will only be accepted
through the conference website. Papers must not exceed 10 pages and
must be formatted following IEEE Computer Society guidelines.
Submissions must be written in English, describe original work, and
not substantially overlap papers that have been published or are being
submitted to a journal or another conference with published
proceedings.  Poster submissions should consist of an abstract of at
most 250 words. The abstract will be distributed to the conference
attendants but will not be published. Note that the poster deadline is
different from the paper deadline.





MEMOCODE will again have a design contest. The contest will start
March 1, 2011.  The deadline for submission is 31 March 2011 and the
notification of the results is on May 13, 2011. The conference will
sponsor at least two prize categories, each with a significant cash
award. We awarded a $1000 prize in each of the two categories in 2010.
Each team that submits a complete and working entry will be invited to
submit for review a 2-page abstract for the formal conference
proceedings and present a poster at the conference; winning teams will
be invited to contribute a 4-page short paper and present their work
at the conference.  Each team submitting a completed and working entry
will also receive a commemorative plaque with their name and results.
Please refer to the website for more information and updates.

DESIGN CONTEST WEBSITE: see conference webpage



Microsoft Research Cambridge, IEEE CEDA*, IEEE CAS*, ACM SIGBED*, and



General and Finance Chair:  Satnam Singh  (MSR Cambridge)
Program Chairs:             Barbara Jobstmann (CNRS/Verimag)
                            Michael Kishinevsky (Intel)
Design Contest Chair:       Derek Chiou (UT Austin)
Publication Chair:          Jens Brandt (TU Kaiserslautern)
Local Chair:                Robert Mullins (University of Cambridge)



David Atienza Alonso (EPFL)
Twan Basten (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Roderick Bloem (Graz University of Technology)
Forrest Brewer (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Tevfik Bultan (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Luca Carloni (Columbia University)
Satrajit Chatterjee (Intel)
Ashish Darbari (ARM)
Robert de Simone (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis)
Rolf Drechsler  (University of Bremen)
Stephen A. Edwards  (Columbia University)
Franco Fummi (University of Verona)
Thierry Gautier (INRIA)
Alain Girault (INRIA)
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (University of Utah)
David Greaves (Univ. Cambridge)
Andreas Griesmayer (Imperial College London)
Ziyad Hanna (Jasper Design Automation)
Franjo Ivancic (NEC Labs)
Barbara Jobstmann (CNRS/Verimag)
Michael Kishinevsky (Intel)
Daniel Kroening (Oxford University)
Luciano Lavagno (Politecnico Torino)
Elizabeth Leonard (Naval Research Laboratory)
Alan Mycroft (University of Cambridge)
Rishiyur S. Nikhil (Bluespec, Inc.)
John O'Leary (Intel)
Jan Reineke (University of California, Berkeley)
Klaus Schneider (University of Kaiserslautern)
Natasha Sharygina (University of Lugano)
Satnam Singh (Microsoft Research)
Daryl Stewart (ARM)
Michael Theobald (D. E. Shaw Research)

* Sponsorship approval pending

Alain GIRAULT                       http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher             tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Head of the POP ART project-team    fax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr

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