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Please notice that the new submission deadline for SymCon'07 is june 29th.
We apologize for multiple copies of this Call.


                         Call for Papers


           The Seventh International Workshop
       on Symmetry and Constraint Satisfaction Problems

      To be held at the Thirteenth International Conference
    on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2007)

                  Providence, RI, USA
              September 23rd 2007



SymCon'07 is the 7th in a series of workshops affiliated with the CP
conference, and focuses on the investigation of symmetry and symmetry
breaking techniques for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs).
Symmetries occur frequently in CSPs.  When undetected, they cause
thrashing during traditional backtracking search by redundantly
exploring symmetric parts of the search space.  The topic was
discussed as far back as 1874 by Glaisher, and new techniques to
detect and/or break symmetry have been proposed in recent years.
However, many outstanding problems remain.  For instance, the
detection and exploitation of local, dynamic, and weak forms of
symmetry remains a challenge.

The workshop is a forum for researchers to present advances in
symmetry breaking techniques and to discuss the above or other open
problems.  Additionally, the workshop welcomes the presentation of
applications and case studies that exhibit some form of symmetry.  The
workshop is relevant to the computational group theory (CGT) community
because CGT is often the theory underlying many symmetry breaking
techniques.  Importantly, the organizers welcome submissions from
researchers working in other areas of Artificial Intelligence who feel
that their work would be of interest to the CP community.  Such areas
include planning, model checking, QBF formulas, finite model search,
and theorem proving in FOL.

Workshop topics include, but are not limited to:

- Symmetry definition: semantic symmetry, syntactic symmetry,
  constraint symmetry, solution symmetry
- Automatic symmetry detection: static approaches and dynamic approaches
- Global symmetry detection and elimination
- Dynamic symmetry detection and elimination
- Combining symmetry breaking techniques
- Exploiting weak forms of symmetries like "dominance" and
- Case studies of problems that exhibit interesting symmetries
- Application of computational group theory techniques to symmetry breaking
- Heuristics that use information about symmetry to guide search
- Elimination and avoidance of symmetry by re-modelling
- Dynamic avoidance of symmetric states during search
- Complexity analysis of symmetry breaking techniques
- Application of CSPs to symmetry and related algebraic problems
- Comparing symmetry breaking techniques in constraint programming
  with techniques for dealing with symmetry in other search domains
- Symmetry in CNF formulas and OBF formulas
- Symmetry in finite model search in first order logic
- Novel exploitation of symmetry in varied search domains of interest
  to the CP community


The workshop is open to all members of the CP community. At least one
author of each submission accepted for presentation must attend the
workshop and present the contribution.  All workshop attendees must
pay the workshop fee.


To submit a paper to the workshop, please e-mail a PS or PDF file in
IJCAI03 style to both [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
Style files can be obtained at 

Papers must be formated in IJCAI requirements and can be of any length 
but should not exceed 8 pages. 
All submissions must be received by June 29th, 2007. The Program 
Committee Chairs will acknowledge all submissions. 
If a submitted paper is not acknowledged in 2 working days, the authors 
are kindly
requested to contact one of the chairs.


All submissions will be reviewed.  Those that present a significant
contribution to the workshop topics will be accepted for publication
in the workshop proceedings.  The proceedings will be available
electronically at the workshop web-page and in hardcopy at CP 2007.
If necessary, for time reasons, only a subset of the papers will be
presented.  A selection will then be made by the Program Committee

Post-publication of the proceedings is currently under negotiation.


Submission deadline:        Friday, 29th June 2007
Notification of acceptance: Tuesday, 17th July 2007
Camera ready deadline:      Friday, 3rd August 2007
Workshop:                   Monday, 23rd


- Belaïd Benhamou
  Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
  LSIS-CMI, 39 F. Joliot-Curie
  13453 Marseille Cedex13 France.
- Berthe Y. Choueiry
  256 Avery Hall
  Constraint Systems Laboratory
  CSE--University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  Lincoln, NE, 68588-0115, USA
- Brahim Hnich
  Faculty of Computer Sciences
  Izmir University of Economics
  Sakarya Caddesi  No:156, 35330 balcova
  Izmir, Turkey

- Fadi A. Aloul, American University of Sharjah, U.A.E
- Gilles Audemard, Université d'Artois, France.
- Rolf Backofen, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Germany
- Pierre Flener, Sabanci University, Turkey and Uppsala University, Sweden
- Zeynep Kiziltan, University of Bologna, Italy
- Derek Long, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
- Igor Markov, University of Michigan, U.S.A.
- Pedro Meseguer, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- Michela Milano, University of Bologna, Italy
- Justin Pearson, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Karen Petrie, Oxford University, UK
- Steve Prestwich, University College Cork, Ireland
- Jean-François Puget, ILOG, France
- Lakhdar Sais, Université d'Artois, France.
- Pierre Seigel, University of Provence, Aix-Marseille I, France
- Meinolf Sellmann, Brown University, U.S.A.
- Barbara Smith, Cork Constraint Computation Centre, Irland.
- Pascal van Hentenryck, Brown University, U.S.A.
- Toby Walsh, University of New South Wales, Australia

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