[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
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Dear all,

SECOMP <https://secure-compilation.github.io/> is a research project aimed
at building the first efficient formally secure compilers for realistic
programming languages. The project brings together a core team at Inria
Paris <https://www.inria.fr/en/centre/paris> lead by Cătălin Hriţcu
<http://prosecco.gforge.inria.fr/personal/hritcu/> and external
collaborators at University of Pennsylvania
<https://www.cis.upenn.edu/>, Portland
State University <http://www.pdx.edu/computer-science/>, MIT
<https://csail.mit.edu/>, Northeastern University <http://www.ccs.neu.edu/>
, Microsoft Research <http://research.microsoft.com/>, and Draper Labs
<http://www.draper.com/>. The core team at Inria Paris
<https://www.inria.fr/en/centre/paris> is generously funded for 5 years
(roughly between 2017 and 2021) by a recently awarded ERC Starting Grant

Over the duration of the project we are looking for excellent students and
young researchers for Research Internship
<https://secure-compilation.github.io/#intern>, PhD Student
<https://secure-compilation.github.io/#phd>, PostDoc
<https://secure-compilation.github.io/#postdoc>, Starting Researcher
<https://secure-compilation.github.io/#postdoc>, and Research Engineer
<https://secure-compilation.github.io/#engineer> positions at Inria Paris
<https://www.inria.fr/en/centre/paris>. We can additionally support
exceptional candidates for permanent Researcher
<https://secure-compilation.github.io/#cr> positions funded and awarded
competitively by Inria. More details about each of these positions are
online <https://secure-compilation.github.io/#cr>. Finally, we also have
funding for sabbaticals and short-term visits to Paris for researchers with
an interest in secure compilation.


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