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*                  ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium                     *
*                             on                                    *
*               Principles of Programming Languages                 *
*                                                                   *
*                     January 10-12, 2008                           *
*                        San Francisco USA                          *
*                                                                   *
*                    Call for Participation                         *
*                                                                   *
*                http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/popl/08                     *

Important dates

* Early registration deadline: December 13, 2007
* Conference: January 10-12, 2008


  All the conference events will take place at The Stanford Court
Hotel. We encourage attendees to stay at the conference
hotel. Information about the hotel can be found on the POPL web page:



  The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages is a forum
for the discussion of fundamental principles and important innovations
in the design, definition, analysis, transformation, implementation
and verification of programming languages, programming systems, and
programming abstractions. Both experimental and theoretical papers are

The program can be found here:


Student Attendees

  Students who have a paper accepted for the conference are offered
SIGPLAN student membership free for one year. As members of SIGPLAN
they may apply for travel fellowships from the PAC fund (http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/PAC.htm).

General Chair:
     George Necula
     UC Berkeley
     Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Program Chair:
     Philip Wadler
     University of Edinburgh
     School of Informatics

Program Committee:

   Amal Ahmed           Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago
   Lars Birkedal        ITU Copenhagen
   Guy Blelloch         Carnegie-Mellon University
   Gilad Bracha         Cadence Design Systems
   Byron Cook           Microsoft Research
   Thierry Coquand      Chalmers University
   Vincent Danos        Paris VII
   Robby Findler        University of Chicago
   Neal Glew            Intel
   Haruo Hosoya         University of Tokyo
   Matthew Hennessy     University of Sussex
   Ranjit Jhala         University of California, San Diego
   Tobias Nipkow        Technische Universität München
   James Noble          Victoria University of Wellington
   Sanjiva Prasad       IIT Delhi
   Zhong Shao           Yale University
   Yannis Smaragdakis   University of Oregon
   Eijiro Sumii         Tohoku University
   Peter Thiemann       Universität Freiburg
   Peter Van Roy        Université Catholique de Louvain
   Jan Vitek            Purdue University
   Nobuko Yoshida       Imperial College London
   Steve Zdancewic      University of Pennsylvania

Affiliated Events

* Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM)
    * January 7-8, 2008

* Practical Applications of Declarative Languages (PADL)
    * January 7-8, 2008

* Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)
    * January 7-9, 2008

* Using Proof Assistants for Programming Language Research or,
  How to write your next POPL paper in Coq
    * January 8, 2008

* Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming (DAMP)
    * January 9th, 2008

* Programming Language Technologies for XML (PLAN-X)
    * January 9, 2008

* Thirty Years of Abstract Interpretation
    * January 9, 2008

* Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages (FOOL)
    * January 13, 2008

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