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Proving computational security of cryptographic systems

              ***** Post-doc vacancy *****

Host laboratory:  LIP (ENS Lyon) / VERIMAG (UJF - Grenoble 1), FRANCE

We are looking for a researcher (post-doc) to work on the ANR SCALP project.

Keywords: formal verification, computational security, cryptography,
proof assistant

Subject :
Our day-to-day lives increasingly depend upon information and our
ability to manipulate it securely. That is, in a way that prevents
malicious elements to subvert the available information for their own
benefits. This requires solutions based on cryptographic systems
(primitives and protocols).

However, no matter how carefully crafted cryptographic systems are,
experience has shown that effective attacks can remain hidden for
years. This may be caused by poor design or often unclear and poorly
defined security properties and assumptions.

The ANR SCALP project aims at providing certified automated
verification methods for the computational security of
cryptosystems. The certification part is to be carried out with the
help of the Coq Proof assistant.

Requirements for the Postdoc position:

- A PhD in Computer Science or a related field with expertise in
 cryptography and/or proof assistants (preferably both).

- A strong publication record.

- Commitment and a cooperative attitude.

Applications :
- detailed CV, list of publications
- motivation letter (1 page),
- contact information for 2 references.

Duration : 12 months (possible extension for another 12 months).

Start date : September 2009

Deadline for application : 1st July 2009

SCALP project Homepage: http://scalp.gforge.inria.fr/

More information/application submission :
  yassine.lakhn...@imag.fr ,

Pierre Corbineau          | pierre.corbin...@imag.fr
VERIMAG - Centre Équation | Tel: (+33 / 0) 4 56 52 04 42
2, avenue de Vignate      | Office nr B2G2
38610 GIÈRES - FRANCE     | http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~corbinea/
fn:Pierre Corbineau
org;quoted-printable:Universit=C3=A9 Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1;Laboratoire VERIMAG - Polytech' Grenoble
adr;quoted-printable;quoted-printable:2, avenue de Vignate;;VERIMAG - Centre =C3=89QUATION ;GI=C3=88RES ;;38610;France
title;quoted-printable:Ma=C3=AEtre de Conf=C3=A9rences
tel;work:+33 (0) 4 56 52 04 42
tel;fax:+33 (0) 4 56 52 03 44

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