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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bob Constable <r...@cs.cornell.edu>
> Date: September 9, 2010 3:13:23 PM EDT
> Post Doctoral Position in Formal Methods at Cornell University
> A one year extend-able position in formal methods is open at Cornell 
> University starting October 1, 2010. The formal methods group is seeking a 
> recent doctoral graduate interested in joining a team of five Cornell 
> investigators working on the verification of a "clean slate" operating system 
> as part of a broad DARPA project on the design of secure single host systems 
> which can respond to attacks by modifying their behavior "on the fly."  Our 
> team expects to be working with other DARPA funded groups designing and 
> verifying such a  system.
> We seek PhDs with experience in formal methods and with a strong interest in 
> conducting formal proofs with one or two major interactive theorem provers. 
> Experience with Coq or HOL or similar provers is desirable, and applicants 
> with knowledge of methods for reasoning about programs and protocols are 
> preferred.
> We seek applications immediately and will respond in a timely manner to 
> inquiries sent to r...@cornell.edu.

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