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[Candidates with typed functional programming expertise are
particularly encouraged to apply.  Regards, Fritz]

A postdoc position and a Ph.D. scholarship are available at the Department of
Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (DIKU) within 3d generation
enterprise resource planning systems (3gERP), a collaborative strategic
research project with partners at DIKU (computer science), Copenhagen
Business School (CBS, information systems) and Microsoft Development
Center Copenhagen (MDCC, enterprise systems).

The 3gERP Project

Enterprise software accounts for more than $200 billion in annual
global revenue (about 5 times the total revenue of the computer
games industry) and costs 10-20 times more than the hardware it runs
on.  The goal of the 3gERP project is to contribute to developing
theories, technologies and tools aimed at making enterprise
("ERP") systems more customizable, evolvable and affordable, specifically
for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).   Starting the second
project phase this summer the focus is on executable declarative
domain-specific languages for bridging the gap from requirements
to running code, specifically:
• process specification languages and tools for capturing, managing,
and analyzing processes such as contracts, work flows and production
• reporting languages and incrementalization technology for automatic
transformation of business analysis functions to operate in real time in
a transactional environment;
• logic-based modeling of legal rules and reasoning in the business domain;
• presentation frameworks/languages for automatically generating
role-tailored user interfaces from process, role and data rendering
• design and implementation of a prototype ERP system based on the
Process-Oriented Event-driven Transaction Systems (POETS)
software architecture, which encompasses the above

Ph.D. position

We are looking for a Ph.D. student to work on
• reporting languages and incrementalization technology for automatic
transformation of business analysis functions to operate in real time
in a transactional environment.  This will include mathematical and
computer science studies of incrementalization (transforming
batch programs into programs that work online, updating their result
continuously as new data arrive), programming of software tools,
integration into a prototype enterprise system based on
POETS, and real-life evaluation in SMEs in collaboration with project
partners at CBS and MDCC.

Postdoc position

We are looking for a postdoc to work on
• design and implementation of a prototype ERP system based on the
Process-Oriented Event-driven Transaction Systems (POETS)
software architecture, including process, reporting and
rules components in collabortion with the other team members at DIKU, and
• generating role-tailored user interfaces from process, role and data
rendering specifications.

The candidates should have solid theoretical foundations (such as in
strongly typed functional programming; programming language semantics,
program analysis, model checking, type systems, logic, process calculi
program transformations/model-driven programming) and should
preferably feel excited rather than concerned by the prospect of
using and developing those foundations for constructing software
with a demonstrated potential for practical utility in an application
domain that constitutes an large sector of the economy.

For more information please see the full position announcement at:


Fritz Henglein

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