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Postdoc position at Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn 

A postdoc position is available in the logic and semantics group of
the Institute of Cybernetics (IoC), the Tallinn University of
Technology, within the EU IST FP6 integrated project MOBIUS, on
proof-carrying code technology.

IoC is a semi-autonomous interdisciplinary research institute of the
Tallinn University of Technology specializing in control science,
mechanics and computer science. In computer science, IoC is the
leading research institution in Estonia. The logic and semantics group
is active in program logics and certified software, functional
programming and coalgebraic methods. Apart from MOBIUS, the group
participated in APPSEM II, is participating in TYPES and was the
organizing team behind APPSEM 2004, AFP 2004, TFP/ICFP/GPCE 2005,

For MOBIUS, the group is working on program analyses and optimizations
for low-level stack-based languages, on type-systematic description of
program analyses and optimizations, and on transformation of proofs of
programs alongside their optimization.

The position is for two years, the preferred start date is 1 Sept

For closer information about the position and the research
environment, contact Dr Tarmo Uustalu, [EMAIL PROTECTED] To apply,
email us your CV and publication list no later than 15 July 2007.

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