[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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                            Call for Posters

                 Static Analysis Symposium  SAS 2007
             22-24 August 2007, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
                   (co-located with LOPSTR 2007)

                     * Extended submission deadline *

In connection with the Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2007) we are
arranging a poster session for PhD students and young researchers.
The topics of the poster session will be the same as those of the
symposium; see the website http://www.imm.dtu.dk/sas2007 for further

Submitted posters should be in A2 format and should be accompanied by
1-2 page abstract in LNCS format (to be collected and distributed at
the symposium). The files must be submitted to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in one email as two seperate pdf files.

Selection committee

  Terkel K. Tolstrup (Chair)
  Sebastian Nanz
  Flemming Nielson
  Hanne Riis Nielson
  Christian W. Probst

Important dates

   Submission of poster:        Juli 31, 2007
   Notification:                August 6, 2007
   Conference:                  August 22-24, 2007

The acceptance will be conditional on at least one of the authors
having registered at the conference.

Students that are presenting papers or posters at the conference
will have the possibility of getting a sponsored ticket to the
conference dinner.

Terkel K. Tolstrup, PhD
Assistant Professor, IMM, DTU

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