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 SPLASH 2010
Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications:
Software for Humanity

Call for Participation

October 16 to 20
John Ascuaga's Nugget Hotel
Reno/Tahoe Nevada, USA

**** Early registration deadline September 22, 2010 ****

SPLASH invites you to participate in defining the future of
software development. SPLASH is pleased to host these events:

* OOPSLA research papers
* Onward! Conference
- http://onward-conference.org
* International Lisp Conference (ILC)
- http://www.international-lisp-conference.org/2010
* Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS)
- http://www.dynamic-languages-symposium.org/dls-10
* Pattern Languages of Programming (PLoP)
- http://www.hillside.net/plop/2010
* Tutorials, Panels, Workshops, Practitioner Reports and more

SPLASH is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT with support
from CISCO, IBM Research, Google, InformIT.com and Wiley.

Details of the program and accommodation at the Nugget are
available at http://www.splashcon.org

== Invited Talk Highlights (for all conferences) ==

• The Case for Evolvable Software
- Stephanie Forrest, University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, USA

• Art, Science, and Fear
- Benjamin C. Pierce, University of Pennsylvania, USA

• Searching Without Objectives
- Kenneth Stanley, University of Central Florida, USA

• F#: Taking Succinct, Efficient, Typed Functional Programming into the Mainstream
- Don Syme, Microsoft Research, UK

• Building a Mind for Life
- Lawrence Hunter, University of Colorado School of Medicine

• The impending ordinariness of teaching concurrent programming
- Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego

• AllegroGraph and the Linked Open Data Cloud
- Jans Aasman, CEO, Franz Inc. USA

• Smalltalk Virtual Machines to JavaScript Engines:
Perspectives on Mainstreaming Dynamic Languages
- Allen Wirfs-Brock, Microsoft

• Gambit Scheme: Inside Out
- Marc Feeley, l'Université de Montréal

• Lisp for Breakthrough Products
- Lowell Hawkinson, President, Expressive Database (and GENSYM Founder)

== Panel Highlights ==

• Manifesto: a New Educational Programming Language
- Kim B. Bruce, James Noble, Andrew Black, Jens Palsberg

• Onward! Panel - Software in a Sustainable World
- Aki Namioka, Abhisheck Agrawal, Kirk Cameron, Ron Gremban

• Objects and Stateful Programming - Life after Mutlti-Core?
- Brian Foote, Brian Goetz, Ralph Johnson, Dave Thomas

• The Object-Oriented Trivia Show - TOOTS
- Jeff Gray, Jules White

== Tutorials ==

• An Architecturally-Evident Coding Style: Making Your Design Visible in Your Code
- George Fairbanks

• Better Planning Via Tasking as a Team
- Chris O'Connor

• Bridging Software Languages and Ontology Technologies
- Fernando Silva Parreiras, Christian Wende, Edward Thomas, Tobias Walter

• Introduction to Model Driven Development with Examples using Eclipse Frameworks
- Bruce Trask & Angel Roman

• iPhone Application Development
- Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez & Maria Elena Chavez-Echeagaray

• Language Extension and Composition with Language Workbenches
- Markus Voelter, Eelco Visser

• Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures - Patterns and Frameworks for Concurrent and Networked Software
- Douglas Schmidt

• Refactoring for Parallelism
- Danny Dig

• Rulemakers and Toolmakers: Adaptive Object Models as as Agile Division of Labor
- Joseph Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

• Stop the Software Architecture Erosion: controlling and building better software systems
- Bernhard Merkle

• Weaving Web Applications with WebDSL
- Danny M. Groenewegen, Eelco Visser & Zef Hemel

• Skills for Agile Designers: Seeing, Shaping, and Discussing Design Ideas
- Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

• Xtext - Implement your Language Faster than the Quick and Dirty way
- Moritz Eysholdt & Heiko Behrens

• XUnit Test Patterns and Smells; Improving the ROI of Test Code
- Gerard Meszaros

== OOPSLA ==

Selected Papers I
• Efficient Modular Glass Box Software Model Checking
• An Experiment About Static and Dynamic Type Systems
• A Simple Inductive Synthesis Methodology and its Applications

Software Engineering
• A Domain-Specific Approach to Architecturing Error Handling in Pervasive Computing
• G-Finder: Routing programming questions closer to the experts
• Agility in Context

Language Design, Compilation, and Optimization
• Lime: a Java-Compatible and Synthesizable Language for Heterogeneous Architectures
• From OO to FPGA: Fitting Round Objects into Square Hardware?
• An Input-Centric Paradigm for Program Dynamic Optimizations

Defect Detection
• Composable Specifications for Structured Shared-Memory Communication
• Do I Use the Wrong Definition?
• Scalable and Systematic Detection of Buggy Inconsistencies in Source Code

Runtime Systems
• A Study of Java's non-Java Memory
• Hera-JVM: A Runtime System for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures
• Cross-Language, Type-Safe, and Transparent Object Sharing For Co-Located Managed Runtimes

• Instrumentation and Sampling Strategies for Cooperative Concurrency Bug Isolation
• What Can the GC Compute Efficiently?
• Monitor Optimization via Stutter-equivalent Loop Transformation

Software Structure
• Specifying and Implementing Refactorings
• A Graph-based Approach to API Usage Adaptation
• Component Adaptation and Assembly Using Interface Relations

Selected Papers II
• Type Classes as Objects and Implicits
• Supporting Dynamic, Third-Party Code Customizations in JavaScript Using Aspects
• Dynamic Parallelization of Recursive Code

Heap Analysis
• Symbolic Heap Abstraction with Demand-Driven Axiomatization of Memory Invariants
• A Dynamic Evaluation of the Precision of Static Heap Abstractions
• Parallel Inclusion-based Points-to Analysis

• The Spoofax Language Workbench: Rules for Declarative Specification of Languages and IDEs
• MetaFJig - A Meta-circular Composition Language for Java-like Classes
• Modular Logic Metaprogramming

• Reasoning about Multiple Related Abstractions with MultiStar
• Homogeneous Family Sharing
• Mostly modular compilation of crosscutting concerns by contextual predicate dispatch

Higher-Order, Continuations, Futures
• Random testing for higher-order, stateful programs
• The Two-State Solution: Native and Serializable Continuations Accord
• Back to the Futures: Incremental Parallelization of Existing Sequential Runtime Systems

• Ownership and Immutability in Generic Java
• Tribal Ownership
• A Time-Aware Type System For Data-Race Protection and Guaranteed Initialization

Concurrent Programming
• Automatic Atomic Region Identification in Shared Memory SPMD Programs
• Task Types for Pervasive Atomicity
• Concurrent Programming with Revisions and Isolation Types

Tools and Performance
• SPUR: A Trace-Based JIT Compiler for CIL
• Refactoring References for Library Migration
• Performance Analysis of Idle Programs

Practitioner Reports
• Agile
• Letters From The Edge Of An Agile Transition
• Software Evolution in Agile Development : A Case Study

Large Systems
• Object-oriented Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification
• Application Frameworks: How They Become Your Enemy?
• Stop the Software Architecture Erosion: controlling and building better software systems

• Migrating a Large Modeling Environment from UML/XML to GMF/Xtext
• Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) on the iPhone
• Textual Modeling Tools: Overview and Comparison of Language Workbenches

== Onward! ==

Onward! Essays

• Better Science Through Art
- Richard Gabriel & Kevin Sullivan
• Rubber Ducks, Nightmares, and Unsaturated Predicates:
Proto-Scientific Schemata are Good for Agile
- Jenny Quillien & Dave West
• Pure and Declarative Syntax Definition: Paradise Lost and Regained
- Lennart C. L. Kats, Eelco Visser & Guido Wachsmuth
• Faith, Hope, and Love - A criticism of current practice in programming language research
- Stefan Hanenberg
• The Tower of Babel Did Not Fail
- Paul Adamczyk & Munawar Hafiz

Onward! Long Papers

• Registration-Based Language Abstractions
• Pinocchio: Bringing Reflection to Life with First-Class Interpreters
• Concurrency by Modularity: Design Patterns, a Case in Point
• Understanding Reduced Resource Computing
• Programming With Time
• Language Virtualization for Heterogeneous Parallel Computing
• Flexible Modeling Tools for Pre-Requirements Analysis: Conceptual Architecture and Research Challenges • To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade: Impact of Online Upgrades across Multiple Administrative Domains
• Managing Ambiguity in Programming by Finding Unambiguous Examples

Onward! Short Papers

• now happens-before later --- Static Schedule Analysis of Fine-grained Parallelism with Explicit Happens-before Relationships
• Collaborative Model Merging
• A Recommender for Conflict Resolution Support in Optimistic Model Versioning
• Emergent Feature Modularization
• Sonifying Performance Data to Facilitate Tuning of Complex Systems
• Inferring Arbitrary Distributions for Data and Computation
• Ficticious: MicroLanguages for Interactive Fiction
• Harnessing Emergence for Manycore Programming:
Early Experience Integrating Ensembles, Adverbs, and Object-based Inheritance

Onward! Films

• Physics as Freedom
- Seung Chan Lim, Rhode Island School of Design, USA
• Pinocchio: A Virtual Symphony Orchestra Game
- Ruth Demmel, Technische Universitat München, Germany
• Gource: Visualizing Software Version Control History
- Andrew Caudwell, Catalyst IT Ltd, New Zealand

== Educators' and Trainers' Symposium ==

• The impending ordinariness of teaching concurrent programming
- Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego, United States

Activity: Students' Cooperation in Teamwork: Binding the Individual and the Team Interests
Panel: Manifesto: a New Educational Programming Language

• Mutation Analysis vs. Code Coverage in Automated Assessment of Students' Testing Skills
• Compiler Construction With a Dash of Concurrency and an Embedded Twist
• Teaching and Training Developer-Testing Techniques and Tool Support
• Learning Cuda: Lab Exercises and Experiences
• A Web-Based Repository of Software Testing Tools to Support Pedagogy
• Understanding Abstraction: Means of Leveling the Playing Field in CS1?
• Learning OOP with Dynamic Languages:
Adding Concrete Strategies to a PHP Strategy Design Pattern

== Workshops ==

• Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages (FOOL'10)
• Architecture in an Agile World
• Concurrency for the Application Programmer
• Curricula in Concurrency and Parallelism
• Experimental Evaluation of Software and Systems in Computer Science (EVALUATE 2010)
• KOPLE — Knowledge-Oriented Product Line Engineering
• Ontology-Driven Software Engineering
• Onward! Workshop: Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU)
• Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing
• Programming Support Innovations for Emerging Distributed Applications
• SPLASH 2010 Workshop on Flexible Modeling Tools
• The 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling
• The 2nd Workshop on Human Aspects of Software Engineering (HAoSE2010)
• Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages
• CloudCamp

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