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Several PhD and Postdoc Vacancies at Saarland University

The following positions are available at the research group
"Dependable Systems and Software" (Prof. Holger Hermanns) of the
Computer Science Department of Saarland University and at the research
group "Analysis of Markovian Models" (Dr. Verena Wolf) in the Cluster
of Excellence "Multimodal Computing and Interaction":

Mode of employment:     PhD candidates  and Postdocs
Post:                   Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Start of contract:      as soon as possible
Volume of employment:   full-time
Duration of employment: initially 12 months, with the possibility of extension

Position Description:
Research in the broad area of "Analysis of Stochastic Dynamics".

Potential focus points are
- Stochastic hybrid systems
- Markov models for cellular processes
- Dependability model checking
- Stochastic energy balancing
- Quantitative logics

The positions offer excellent opportunities to carry out research on
exciting application areas, such as systems biology and embedded
distributed architectures.

The computer science department at Saarland University is continuously
top-ranked among national competitors and is home of two major
excellence grants (Exzellenzinitiative des Bundes und der
Länder). Researchers at Saarland University benefit from the close
cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, the Max
Planck Institute for Software Systems, the German Research Center for
Artificial Intelligence and the Center for Bioinformatics, which are
co-located on the Saarbrücken Campus.

Conditions for Employment:

- Completed degree in computer science, applied mathematics, physics,
  or similar - with outstanding performance
- Familiarity with efficient algorithms and data structures, as well
  as a substantial background in mathematics
- Personal initiative, creativity and ability to effectively work in a
- Sufficient level of written and spoken English

Experience in one or more of the following topics
- Stochastic modelling techniques
- Formal methods, logics, model checking
- Numerical methods for linear and non-linear systems

We offer fixed term contracts of initially one year with the option
for renewals. The positions are funded as part of the EU-funded FP7
project Quasimodo (http://www.quasimodo.aau.dk), the Excellence
Cluster Multimodal Computation and Interaction
(http://www.mmci.uni-saarland.de) and the DFG-funded SFB/TR-14 AVACS
(http://www.avacs.org).  Salaries are highly competitive and are based
on qualification and personal status.

PhD candidates are invited to submit by July 24, 2009
- a curriculum vitae
- a detailed list of completed courses in computer science and mathematics
- a detailed list of exams passed and grades obtained
quoting reference number W112.

Postdoc applicants are invited to submit by July 24, 2009
- a curriculum vitae including list of publications
- contact information for at least two references
- a one-page research statement
quoting reference number W112 .

Please send your application (pdf) to <v.w...@mmci.uni-saarland.de>.

Feel free to phone us at +49 681 302 5630 (Holger Hermanns) or +49 681
302 5586 (Verena Wolf).

We look forward to hearing from you.

Holger Hermanns          http://depend.cs.uni-sb.de
Verena Wolf              http://alma.cs.uni-sb.de

Employment will accord to TV-L. Full-time positions are, in principle,
divisible (§7 Abs. 1 TzBfG).

Saarland University is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance
with its policy of increasing the proportion of women in this type of
employment, the University actively encourages applications from
women. For persons with equal qualification, preference will be given
to people with physical disabilities.

                               Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Hermanns
     ::::::::::  ::::::::::    Dependable Systems & Software
      :       ::::       :     Department of Computer Science
       :::::::    :::::::      Saarland University
                               66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Web:depend.cs.uni-sb.de   Phone:+49 681 302-5630 Fax:-5636

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