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                                           UTP 2010
                The 3rd International Symposium on Unifying Theories
                                           of Programming

    co-located with the 12th International Conference on Formal
Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2010)

                                  ***  Call For Papers  ***

                                       Shanghai, China
                                    15-16 November, 2010

Following on the success of UTP 2006 (County Durham, UK) and UTP 2008
(Dublin, Ireland), we are pleased to announce the UTP 2010 symposium,
to be held in
Shanghai, China in November 2010, co-located with ICFEM 2010, the 12th
Conference on Formal Engineering Methods.

Based on the pioneering work on Unifying Theories of Programming by
Tony Hoare, He Jifeng and others, the aims of the UTP Symposium series
are to continue to
reaffirm the significance of the ongoing UTP project, to encourage
efforts to advance it by
providing a focus for the sharing of results by those already actively
contributing, and to
raise awareness of the benefits of such unifying theoretical
frameworks among the wider
computer science and software engineering communities.

Of particular interest is how unification may be used to meet the
goals and difficulties to be encountered in the Grand Challenges of
Computing, with
particular reference to the UK's "GC6: Dependable Systems Evolution"
and its international
cousin the "Verified Software Initiative" and their shared goal of
developing a Verified
Software Repository.

To this end the UTP 2010 symposium welcomes contributions on the above
themes as well as others which can be related to them. Such additional
themes include,
but are not limited to, relational semantics, relational algebra,
healthiness conditions,
normal forms, linkage of theories, algebraic descriptions, incorporation of
probabilistic programming, timed calculi and object-based
descriptions, as well as alternative
programming paradigms such as functional, logical, data-flow, and
beyond. In all cases, the
UTP approach should be compared and advantages/disadvantages discussed.

Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings by
Springer as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences. It is
also planned to have a
special journal issue of Formal Aspects of Computing for
revised/extended versions of
selected best papers from the UTP 2010 symposium.

Papers should be written in English not exceeding 20 pages in LNCS format
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). Submission will be
via the web-based
easychair system.

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 16 July, 2010
Full-paper submission deadline: 23 July, 2010
Author notification: 10 August, 2010
Final version due: 24 August, 2010
Symposium:  15-16 November, 2010

Invited Speakers
Invited Talks:
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK)
Jifeng He (East China Normal University, China)
Jeff Sanders (UNU/IIST, Macao)

Invited Tutorial:
Jim Woodcock (University of York, UK)

Program Committee
Bernhard K. Aichernig, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Hugh Anderson, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Phil Brooke, University of Teesside, UK
Andrew Butterfield, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Ana Cavalcanti,     University of York, UK
Yifeng Chen, Peking University, China
Deepak D'Souza, IISC, India
Steve Dunne, University of Teesside, UK
Colin Fidge, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
Lindsay Groves, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Will Harwood, University of York, UK
Ian Hayes, University of Queensland, Australia
Arthur Hughes, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Jeremy Jacob, University of York, UK
Xiaoshan Li, University of Macao, Macao SAR, China      
Zhiming Liu, UNU/IIST, Macao SAR, China
Annabelle McIver, Macquarie University, Australia
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Geguang Pu, East China Normal University, China
Shengchao Qin (chair),  University of Teesside, UK
Zongyan Qiu, Peking University, China
Bill Stoddart, University of Teesside, UK
Jun Sun, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Meng Sun, CWI, the Netherlands
Naijun Zhan, Institute of Software, CAS, China
Huibiao Zhu, East China Normal University, China

Sun Jun

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