[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear all,

The French ANR project CHoCo <http://choco.pps.jussieu.fr> is organizing
a small workshop on the topic of Curry-Howard for Concurrency, from Mon
28th to Wed 30th June, in Lyon.

The programme consists in four invited speakers:

 - Kohei Honda  (Queen Mary, London)
 - Andrzej Murawski  (Oxford)
 - Julian Rathke  (Southampton)
 - Paweł Sobociński (Southampton)

plus several talks by members of the project.

All details, including a complete programme and practical information,
will appear progressively on the web page of the event:


If you want to attend the event, please send an email to


with your name, affiliation, email address, arrival and departure

A limited number of fundings is available to cover your travel and
accomodation expenses. Please fill in the form below if you want to
apply. We will let you know whether we can support all or part of your
visit in Lyon. We will handle applications received before june the
18th, after that we cannot guarantee anything.


Application form for a participant at the Choco meeting, Lyon, june
28-30, 2010.

Name, surname:
Institution (University, lab, etc.):
Email address:

Arrival and departure dates:
Means of transport (and, if possible, requested schedule):


Emmanuel Beffara

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