I have, what i think is a minor problem, so hopefully this won't casue to much 
troble for anyone helping me:

In the Backend i want the user to create records of a specific Model. The form should change 
depending on a select list which is filled with record of another model. It technically works, i 
set it up with displayCond conditions and to make it refresh i use the line 
"$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_icingaconfgen_domain_model_services']['ctrl']['requestUpdate'] = 
'checktype';" in my ext_tables.php, but whenever i choose a option in the select list and i 
get the referesh notification ("This change will affect which fields are available in the 
form. Would you like to save now in order to refresh the display?") it creates a record upon 
clicking on OK. But that's obviously not what i want. Is there maybe another way to refresh?
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