
I'm assisting someone move their site to a new host and whilst everything has gone pretty smoothly - The site loads, the admin loads, features in the admin work etc.
The issue we're having is that after the first page load, say for example I'm 
directly entering: www.website.com/about. Everything loads, all assets, all 
links are correct. But if I then click another page in the menu (say contact), 
instead of going directly there, the url is www.website.com/about/contact, 
rather than www.website.com/contact.

The site configuration has not changed. And, the server setup as been 
configured as close to the original as possible. The only things changed are 
the database connection. The site will be on the same domain so no need to 
change anything there.

I work with PHP applications in general but, I don't have experience with 
Typo3. Here's a few things I hope may help someone point out my misconceptions 
on setup something that resolve the issue we're experiencing.

- The Typo Version is 4.5 (Hopefully moving to latest once this is all sorted)
- The base url is not set.
- Using extensions (url related)
   - "RealURL Management" 0.3.4
   -"RealURL: speaking paths for TYPO3"
- Real url cache and all other caches cleared
- tempconf cleared

If there are any other details that may help us get to the bottom of this, 
please let me know.

I very much appreciate any assistance here
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