One of my TYPO3 extension classes uses a property (checklist) that is an object 

   class Kaufmnnisch extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity
        public function __construct(){
                $this->checklist = new 
        * checklist
        * @var Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage
         * @lazy
       protected $checklist;
        * Returns the checklist
        * @return Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage $checklist
       public function getChecklist()
           return $this->checklist;
        * Sets the checklist
        * @param Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage $checklist
        * @return void
       public function setChecklist($checklist)
           $this->checklist = $checklist;
        * Returns the boolean state of checklist
        * @return bool
       public function isChecklist()
           return $this->checklist;

To that object storage i want to be able to add objects of the class 
'Checkobject' which has just two propeties: 'name' and 'checked'...
Within the controller of the class i have following code in the createAction:

   $Kundenauftragliegtvor = 
                $Kundenauftragliegtvor->setName('Kundenauftrag liegt vor');

So basically when creating an object of that class i want to initially create 
the object $Kundenauftragliegtvor (of course later i want to add additional 
objects of that class, but thats another story)... BUT: When creating an object 
of the class Kaufmnnisch I get the following error:

Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'checklist' at row 1 It seems that attaching the object to the objectstorage 'checklist' seems to create the error in my MySQL database. I suspect that my TCA (specifically the part for the objectstorage) isn't correct:

    'checklist' => [
               'exclude' => true,
               'label' => 
               'config' => [
                   'type' => 'passthrough',
                   'items' => [
                       '1' => [
                           '0' => 
                   'default' => 0,

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