Hi, list.

I've started re-reading of TS manuals - want to improve the way, I'm using it :) And I'm stuck with "current" value - I don't get, how can I use it? I found this article [1] of Dmitry, that explains a meaning of this value and how to manipulate it, but I still can't see an advantage of using it. And here are my questions:

1. Why should I use "setContentToCurrent", if I can directly operate the content without setting/getting it to/from "current" value.

2. "TS Syntax and In-depth study" document contains such code at the end of one chapter [2]:
styles.content.bulletlist = TEXT
styles.content.bulletlist {
 current = 1
 trim = 1
 if.isTrue.current = 1
       # Copying the object "styles.content.parseFunc" to this position
 parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc
 split {
   token.char = 10
   cObjNum = 1
   1.current < .cObjNum
   1.wrap = <li>
   # Setting wrapping value:
 fontTag = <ol type="1"> | </ol>
 textStyle.altWrap = {$styles.content.bulletlist.altWrap}

I can understand, what it is doing, but I can't understand meaning of some lines. styles.content.bulletlist.current = 1 - where the "current" values was filled from, so we can copy it to our current content? How can I know, that in my, f.e. TEXT object, "current" value already contains something? styles.content.bulletlist.split.1.current < .cObjNum - this line I can't understand at all... copying "1" instead of normal assigning it?

3. Is the "current" value is shared among all objects or each object has it's own "current" value?

Thank you in advance.

[1] http://dmitry-dulepov.com/article/typo3-stdwrap-explained-part-1.html
[2] http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/core-documentation/doc_core_ts/4.6.0/view/1/4/
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