I was wondering if any of you have an answer for this problem. We are trying
to connect to our test box using ado.net and getting errors. In visual
studio we are getting the messages:


An error occurred while connecting to the database. The database might be
unavailable, An exception of type 'System.Data.ProviderlncompatibleException
occurred. The error message is: 'The Provider Manifest is incorrect. 

<File Unknown>(399,6): error 0019: Function 'DB2.LEFT with the same Storage
space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function overloads are
not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown>(427,6): error 0019: Function 'DB2.LOwER' with the same
Storage space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function
overloads are not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown>(441,6): error 0019: Function 'DB2.LTRIM' with the same
Storage space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function
overloads are not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown>(484,6): error 0019: Function 'DB2.REPLACE with the same
Storage space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function
overloads are not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown> (501,6): error 0019: Function 'DB2.REPUCATE' with the same
Storage space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function
overloads are not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown>(515,6): error 0019: Function 'D82.REVERSE' with the same
Storage space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function
overloads are not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown> (530,6): error 0019: Function 'DB2.RIGHT' with the same
Storage space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function
overloads are not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown> (544,6): error 0019: Function 'D82.RTRIM' with the same
Storage space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function
overloads are not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown>(603,6): error 0019: Function 'D82.STUFF with the same Storage
space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function overloads are
not ambiguous. 

<File Unknown>(647,6): error 0019: Function 'DB2.UpPER' with the same
Storage space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function
overloads are not ambiguous.. 


On the Universe side I am getting the following in the runtime errlog:


Wed Aug 26 12:00:25  -11765 root Program "*HS.OLEDBINFO": Line 431,


Wed Aug 26 12:04:06  -11769 root Program "*HS.OLEDBINFO": Line 652,


Wed Aug 26 12:04:06  -11769 root Program "*HS.OLEDBINFO": Line 653,


Wed Aug 26 12:04:06  -11769 root Program "*HS.OLEDBINFO": Line 653,


Wed Aug 26 12:04:06  -11769 root Program "*HS.OLEDBINFO": Line 654,


Wed Aug 26 12:04:06  -11769 root Program "*HS.OLEDBINFO": Line 662,



And repeats from there.


Jerry Banker

UV Project Leader

Senior Programmer Analyst

IBM Certified Solutions Expert


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