How bad is "badly" in ANALYZE.FILE [filename] STATS?

File name ..................   ALPHA
Pathname ...................   ALPHA
File type ..................   DYNAMIC
Hashing Algorithm ..........   GENERAL
No. of groups (modulus) ....   252220 current ( minimum 1607, 0 empty,
                                            44930 overflowed, 3605 badly )
Number of records ..........   8156067
Large record size ..........   3257 bytes
Number of large records ....   872
Group size .................   4096 bytes
Load factors ...............   80% (split), 50% (merge) and 80% (actual)
Total size .................   1277140992 bytes
Total size of record data ..   645693155 bytes
Total size of record IDs ...   197406821 bytes
Unused space ...............   434032824 bytes
Total space for records ....   1277132800 bytes

Press any key to continue...
File name ..................   ALPHA
                               Number per group ( total of 252220 groups )
                               Average    Minimum    Maximum     StdDev
Group buffers ..............      1.19          1          6       0.42
Records ....................     32.34          9         91       8.29
Large records ..............      0.00          1          1       0.06
Data bytes .................   2560.04        413      20715    1056.37
Record ID bytes ............    782.68        208       2246     203.29
Unused bytes ...............   1521.33         24       9136    1009.91
Total bytes ................   4864.04       4096      24576       0.00

                               Number per record ( total of 8156067 records
                               Average    Minimum    Maximum     StdDev
Data bytes .................     79.17         43      16402     142.01
Record ID bytes ............     24.20          5         46       5.74
Total bytes ................    103.37         48      16448     141.41

Press any key to continue...
File name ..................   ALPHA
                         Histogram of record and ID lengths


  up to 4|
  up to 8|
 up to 16|
 up to 32|
 up to 64| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
up to 128|
up to 256| >>>>>>
up to 512| >>
 up to 1K|
 up to 2K|
 up to 4K|
 up to 8K|
up to 16K|


-- Louie In Seattle
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