Meet fellow U2-Users members in person!  

Find out the latest U2 developments directly from IBM!

Please join SAPUG on December 8, 2005 for our annual Holiday meeting
sponsored by IBM and featuring Jackie Burhans and Bill Winter.  Even if you
don't use one of the U2 products, you will want to hear what this major
MulitValue player is doing.
Don't forget, this is our Holiday meeting, so in addition to the IBM
sponsorship of the networking hour, we will have prizes!

For those who might want to stay over Thursday night, the hotel is offering
a special rate of $69.00 per night.  If you're interested in that option,
call the Hotel event manager, John Wessel at (425) 450-4712 and tell him
you'd like the SAPUG rate.

The Seattle Area Pick Users Group still meets at the...
    Place that was Small Doubletree Inn, before that was Small Red Lion,
    Then it was the Ramada Inn and now it is the Paragon....
    but still at 818 112th Ave NE, Bellevue.

The meeting costs $30.00 if you register in advance ($35.00 if you just show
up).  If you come to any part of the meeting, you need to pay since we will
be charged whether you eat dinner or not.

3:00 - 5:00: Universe/UniData Integration with other IBM Technologies
    Bill Winter will conduct the afternoon session on Universe/UniData
integration with
    other IBM technologies such as WebSphere.  Bill Winter is a senior IT
    focused on the IBM U2 databases and tools.

5:30 - 6:45: Networking

6:45 - 8:00: Dinner

8:00 - 9:00: IBM/U2 Update by Jackie Burhans

If you have already responded, Thank you... Otherwise, note the date and
times and RSVP today
   to Connie Eaton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   or call her at: (206) 298-0278 (can leave voice mail)  
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