Occasionally I get these errors:

==pid:3280 calling reportIpcState() == Current time=Thu Jul 08 13:38:35 2010

funcname:U_getshmadd(A), errno:0.

T        ID                                          SIZE  CPID
m UDShmem-Named-1119883584-1-11-0-69              3420672  1872 ->smm (ctl)
m UDShmem-Private--1392509951-2-11-0-16383-1       354224  1872 ->smm (msg)
m UDShmem-Private--1392509950-2-11-0-16383-2 4194304 1872 ->smm (shmbuf) m UDShmem-Private--1392509949-2-11-0-16383-3 4194304 1872 ->smm (shmbuf) m UDShmem-Private--1409283072-2-11-0-3-0 1891814416 3280 ->udt (private)
m UDShmem-Private--1392509952-2-11-0-16383-0      4194304  1872 ->smm (glm)
m UDShmem-Private--1392510976-2-11-0-16382-0                    ->sbcs
----------------- Process Info (10) -----------------
3280        -1          -1          -1          -1
-1          -1          -1          -1          -1

----------------------------- User Info ----------------------------
UserId    UserName    UserType  TTY             LogonTime
197619    AsiDbUser   udt       udcs            13:38:35 Jul 08 2010

-------------------------- Connection Info -------------------------
Connections    Family    Domain

---------------------------- Counters (8) ---------------------------
min_temp  min_basic tb(G)   tb(S)   bb(G)   bb(S)   b_compact b_merge
64        128       1       0       2       1       1         2

------------------------ Memory  Info (32) -------------------------
No. ...  pid_idx  type  head  ci_error  gno/shmid   pno/size  (size)
0        0        B-G   255   0         0           4         (128K)
1        0        T-G   0     0         0           5         (128K)
2        0        B-G   255   0         0           6         (128K)
3        0        B-S   255   0         -1409283072 1891814416(1847475.0K)

--------- Control Info (100) (LastUsed/NextAvail = 3/4) -----------
No. ...   offset    size      left      right     shm_idx   pid_idx
0         0         1         255       1         1         0
1         1         4         0         2         1         0
2         5         5         1         3         1         0
3         10        22        2         255       1         255
#       Unidata Configuration Parameters
# Section 1 Neutral parameters
#       These parameters are required by all Unidata installations.

I really don't have much knowledge how to read it. I've looked at various UD Survival Kit presentations and still can't seem to see if I have anything more than a transient error (it seems to be the case). I got 7 instances at 1:38pm on Jul 8th, one on Jul 13th, and two on Jul 14th; none since.

Running on Windows 2K8 R2.


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