I'll be installing UV 10.2.2 on a clean Solaris 10 box next week. In the
past, observing Solaris conventions, we have installed UV in
/opt/ibm/uv...  instead of /usr....  My Solaris administrator just asked
if it would be better to install UV on the disk array instead of the OS
disk. (The array is a StorageTek 2540 fibre channel attached array of
SAS disks). I thought this through, and frankly I can not see any
disadvantages to it.

I don't see any obvious downside to putting /.uvhome on the array as
opposed to the internal OS disk.

Also, we point UVTEMP to /tmp in uvconfig. I vaguely remember
hearing/reading that that may not be the best choice... Although we have
acres of space in /tmp (well, some 44 gig available as I type....)

Servers: Sun V490 with 2 146 gb 10k rpm disks
Arrays:    2540 with 12 146 gb 15k rpm disks, 2 FC raid controllers
                2501 expansion tray with 12 146 gb 15k rpm disks

Any thoughts/advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

Mark Hennessey
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