I installed the latest client set when I installed the latest UniVerse
PE on my new VISTA Business edition pc.

 I can login to our Live system and our test system (both Linux boxes),
just fine however the number of licenses used shows 1 and users logged
in 1.  On our test box we have device licensing with 6 user license
10.2.4 on our live box we have 10.1.12 with 117 users.  The only thing
it shows correctly is the license information.

I was trying to get away with installing several versions.

Any one else had a problem with UniAdmin and Vista?

I also had problems with UniDebugger saying I didn't have UniObjects
installed until I loaded the prior released.  Going to drop down to a
lower revision of UniAdmin and see if that corrects the problem.

Brenda Price

Affiliated Acceptance Corporation

Sunrise Beach, MO
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