This is a bit of news to hold as ammunition if your manager is talking about

Forrester Research warns that BPO outsourcing to India may drop by up to 30%
in the wake of the arrest of 12 Pune outsourcing employees for fraud.

The alleged fraudsters, including three employees of outsourcer Msource, the
BPO unit of Indian firm MphasiS BFL, were arrested for allegedly siphoning
off around $US350,000 from customers of Citibank. According to Indian press
reports, the three call centre workers had obtained customer usernames and
passwords in the course of their work. In a statement, MphasiS said it
regrets the occurrence, which seems to involve some ex-employees." 

John McCarthy, vice-president of Forrester's Asia-Pacific operations, said
alleged fraud, "along with recent onshore disclosures of sensitive customer
data, will have far-reaching negative connotations for the offshore BPO
space. "It's a blow to MphasiS' move to focus on BPO," MCCarthy said. "At
best, this incident is going to lengthen sales cycles, slow clients
expansion of current business, and cost it new business. In addition,
Citibank is one of the firm's largest customers, and if the bank cuts back
its work with Msource, it will be a major setback."



David Jordan
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