We are a whole distributor of household hardware [hinges, slides, door
knobs...etc], we surveyed the software market and the top makers were
Intuit-Eclipse, NxtTrend, Navision [Now Microsoft owned] and Prelude. My
understanding is that SHIMs has not had any feature development in the last
10 years. If you are a mutli-value DB shop you might want to seriously
consider the Eclipse [Universe] or the Prelude [Unidata] software packages
both which are excellend distribution packages with on-going software

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 7:49 AM
> To:   U2-USERS@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject:      [U2] Trend to SHIMS conversion
> I am looking for someone in the Detroit area that has a working knowledge
> of the SHIMS software.  We are converting data from the Trend software
> into SHIMS.  This person/company would need to be available this week on
> site.  We are also looking for possible long term/permanent programmer.
> Please include your email or phone number to be contacted.
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