I've been able to connect as root. But all my accounts aren't visible in the
tree view and when I try to go to a visible account I get an error message
saying that the account path does not exist or you do not have enough
priviliges to access the account path(even if I'm root).

Rudy, run try updatevoc if you haven't done that already. You could also try
adding a record in $UDTHOME/sys, UD.ACCOUNT pointing to the accounts you

As you see I'm on Unidata and Solaris but it might be the same procedure in
Universe. Perhaps some IBM representatives could help us out in this matter.

Bjvrn Eklund
Anknytning: 2088

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fren: Cooper, Rudy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Skickat: den 12 oktober 2005 01:15
Till: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Dmne: [U2] U2 XML/DB Tool

Has anyone had any luck in getting the U2 Client tool XMLDBTool to work
(Connect) ?

I'm trying to connect to a UV server on a W2K platform.  I'm using the
default settings for transport type and rpc port #.  It seems to hang so
I haven't been able to connect to my server.

Anything I'm missing in trying to connect ?



Rudy Cooper
Information Technology
Project Technical Lead

Sage Publications
2455 Teller Road
Thousand Oaks, California 91320

Direct (805) 410-7724
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