I dunno if this is the situation here, but a Google search for "dde
flush" returns some hits that indicate you may need to flush the DDE
buffer before exiting. HTH

[related plug] : http://Nebula-RnD.com/products/xlite.htm 

> From: Al DeWitt 
> We have a custom report that was written using paragraphs and the
> DDE functionality.  Our process is to
> 1)    Open an Excel Worksheet
> 2)    Run the report which outputs to the worksheet.
> We are encountering situations where the report appears to work
> normally but not all the data is written to Excel.  This was first
> on Excel 2010, but I am able to reproduce this on Excel 2003 as
> Is there some temporary file or buffer in SB+/SBClient that I might
> need to expand the size of?  If so what is the name of it?

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