Note from prior discussions here that you can use cURL as easily as
CallHttp, and in my opinion it's a lot better and easier.  You can also
invoke remote Web Services by calling to Perl and Java tools that will
eliminate your need to mess with SOAP-specific XML.

It sounds like you need a Web Service Client, but if you are publishing U2
BASIC programs as Web Services, then take a look at the Pick Data Provider
.NET from Raining Data, which makes it very easy to develop and publish web
services from MV environments.  PDP.NET can also facilitate calling remote
web services, then feeding the results back to your U2 app/database.


Jamie Wilbraham wrote:
> I am about to embark on a new project interfacing Universe to a XML
> service. The problem being I have never played in this side of the
> pool before.  
> If anyone can give me a few pointers, sample code, even a hint in the
> right direction, I would appreciate it. 
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