About the discussion regarding France Telecom : Their 30,000 UniVerse
licences is their installed park : These licences are geographically
dispatched onto 5 pairs of IBM servers connected via UV/Net. Each system
have its backup system.
Daily average number of "Telnet" connected users is 2,500 on server "A",
and 1,500 on server "B"
Daily average number of "UV/Net" connected users on server "A" is 500
(coming from "B"), and 800 on server "B" (coming from "A")
Due to the nature of the applications, "UV/Net" communication between sites
are not very frequent but may exist.
The large difference between the number of licences France Telecom
purchases and their actual average number of users is due to the criticity
and "non-stop" purpose of their applications. Due to these criteria, the
hardwares are dimensionned to securely support 30% more of system load
increase, and so must do the UniVerse and UV/Net licences. I cannot
communicate the exact configurations used.
In few words, I can say that the UniVerse applications at France Telecom
are both CRM and complex technical data management running on servers "A",
and proprietary enterprise resource planning running on servers "B". The
oldest applications were initially wrote 20 years ago for few tens of users
(on "IN2" boxes = "InterTechnique" french legacy hardwares)... and I agree
saying that these had to be reviewed in some cases.
At present, not all the files on a given server are accessed concurrently
by the quoted number of users, but the main files are.

Support Technique Avancé - IBM Data Management - Produits "U2"
Tel.: (33) 01 49 97 12 20        Fax : (33) 01 49 97 12 21
Notes  : Herve Balestrieri/France/IBM
Web   : http://www.ibm.com/software/u2/
----- Forwarded by Herve Balestrieri/France/IBM on 26/04/2004 17:00 -----
                      Dzikiewicz"              To:       "U2 Users Discussion List" 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                     
                      ts.com>                  Subject:  RE: How far can U2 scale?
                      Sent by:                                         
                      26/04/2004 16:27                                 
                      Please respond to                                
                      U2 Users                                         
                      Discussion List                                  

What does the hardware look like for a system with this many users ?
Are they all running the same apps going after the same data ?
Is UV/NET involved ?
I curious on how you would scale up to a large number of users running the
same application.  Would you beef up the machine or would it be better to
hook up a number of machines with UV/NET linking them together ?

 -----Original Message-----
From:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Claus Derlien
Sent:        Friday, April 23, 2004 9:58 AM
To:          'U2 Users Discussion List'
Subject:           RE: How far can U2 scale?

afaik france telecom has 30000 users online on a universe/unidata system

and i also think there is a hp superdome running 3000 users in gb

looks like its scalable to me :-)

Claus Derlien
direkte : 63 13 86 69

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dawn M. Wolthuis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 3:50 PM
> Subject: How far can U2 scale?
> At what point in the life of application software would it be
> so large that
> you could not (or would not want to) support it with your
> existing UniData
> or UniVerse database?
> Is there a point where you would be better served by DB2 or
> Oracle, for
> example due to the scale you are working with?
> I hear people talk about moving way from U2 in order to do
> ODBC and use
> standard industry tools (and most find that the grass is not
> greener for
> those purposes), but I don't hear about switching because of
> running into
> scaling issues.  However, we sometimes think of PICK as addressing
> small-to-mid size businesses and RDBMS folks sometimes think of their
> products as scaling the best.
> So, what's the cut-off for U2?  Thanks.  --dawn
> Dawn M. Wolthuis
> Tincat Group, Inc.
> www.tincat-group.com
> Take and give some delight today.
> --
> u2-users mailing list
> http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
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