Active Read Waiters:      Owner   Waiter
Device....  Inode....     Userno  Userno
  3014662    102470           0    1101
  3014664    7290           0    1094
  3014662    3865        1105    1030
  3014661    5667           0    1088
  3014664    7247           0    1137
  3014664    7290           0    1159
  3014661    7609           0    1143
  3014661    7544           0    1155
  3014664    6939           0    1105
  3014661    7124           0    1157
  3014664    7247           0    1172
  3014665    3310           0    1169
  3014662    3865           0    1052
  3014661    5687           0    1175
  3014664    7290           0    1001
  3014661    5687        1144    1107
  3014661    7540        1144    1092
  3014665    3312        1144    1120
  3014665    3372        1144    1181
  3014661    5687        1144    1025
  3014662    2297        1144    1189

on universe 10.3.1 and aix 5.2

I am getting a locked owned by userno 0, and causing a lot of locking
issues.  Anyone know what this might be or how to fix this?
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