This could be firewall or timing. Try having Excel per-started - that often 
rules out timing and delays. Otherwise check the firewall logs for the VPN as 
you may find ActiveX or DDE blocked.

On 27 Jul 2013, at 19:13, Al DeWitt <> wrote:

> I have a program that opens an Excel template on a network drive and outputs 
> rows of data.
> When I have a direct connection (wire) it works fine.  However, WIFI it opens 
> the Excel template; acts like it's doing its thing and goes to EOJ, but 
> nothing outputs to Excel.
> I tried it using WIFI + VPN and then tried my company's internal WIFI.  
> Doesn't work in either case.
> Is it a technology issue, a port issue or ?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Albert DeWitt, CPIM
> Sr. Programmer Analyst
> Stylmark, Inc.
> 6536 Main St NE | Minneapolis MN 55432 | USA
> DD: 763-574-8705 | PH: 763-574-7474 | F: 763-574-1415
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