Working for Prime in Copenhagen from 1984 to 1992 supporting PI I
certainly remember these international events.

It's fun to see the names popping up on this list, it brings along a lot
of fine memories, including that I owe Lance a beer next time we met. It
never happened, but the memories...

Thanks PI for at very fine part of my working life.

Med venlig hilsen  (Best Regards)


> I remember the Prime Information release 6 (and first official GCI) in
> Copenhagen - Dennis Beldotti arranging?
> Remember the fun !*! With !AMLC and it's handy way of writing to absolute
> memory addresses (gosh - and you didn't want those disk drives did you
> ????!?)
> Was anyone else there? - Bent Pristed was the head boy there then I thik
> and
> we were pushing out Viewbase on Primenet....
> Memories eh? The passing of an age.
> Regards
> JayJay

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