Attn: Sir,

Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise and if
it might offend you without your prior consent and writing through this channel.

I am Mrs.Sarah Williams from the war ravaged Sierra-Leone but presently resident
in Abidjan Cote d?ivoire West Africa with my only daughter.

My husband, Mr Frank Williams who before his assassination by the rebel troupes
was the director general of the Sierra-Leone Mining corporation (SLMC).

He was killed in our residence along side our security guard. Before his
death, he made a deposit of (US$12.5M) in a security and trust company in
Abidjan. This was proceeds of Over invoiced diamond sales to a foreign company
with whose assistance this deposit was made.

As at the time of deposit, the real content of the box containing this money
was not made known to the security company as they were declared as family
treasure.Owing to the continuous harassment and intimidation of families
of politicians who served in the Government of the former Military 
Johnny Paul Koromah we decided to flee the country.

Among my husband?s personal effects gathered as we were packing from the
official resident was a certificate of deposit in his name issued by the
Security and Trust Company in Abidjan. We have since located this company
and established ownership of the consignment.We have applied and have been
granted asylum by the Government of Cote d?ivoire.

I therefore write to seek your assistance to retrieve the funds from the
security company and transfer same to your country, using your account as
receiving account while I will arrange to come over to your country with
my daughter when the funds entered into your account,to seek permanent 

Part of this money will be used to purchase a home for us while a better
part will be invested in profit yielding ventures in your country with your
guidance.Should you decide to assist, an amount equal to 30% of the funds
will be paid to you as commission while 5% will be set aside for expenses
to be incurred by you and I in this transaction.

Kindly indicate your interest and willingness to assist us by responding

Please do copy to my alternative mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards,

Mrs Sarah Williams.


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